Questions I Wish More People Ask Created 19 years ago2005-01-30 13:20:52 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 19 years ago2005-01-30 13:20:52 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 11:00:08 UTC Post #93108
Technology That Cares?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 11:19:47 UTC Post #93113
This is our only window of oppotunity, it's now or never.
no, there is always a key : if you don't like the way our civilisation is going, you are "free" to build your own one, with your own political party (dunno if it's the right word), and/or your own religition, or sect or whatever.

I do hope it will be possible to go away in space if things are going too bad for us on earth : for centuries, until the last one, when people was fed up of something somewhere, they just had to go away and live somewhere else, now the earth is surrounded by the humanity, with that "mondialisation" : if something is wrong somewhere, it may be wrong anywhere on earth ...

I understand your fears, I got a part of them, by not everything is totally wrong in this way to use people, because for example, being a "part" of an higher system (anyhow you call it), it may provide you advantages, like security, a real security I mean : of course you aren't yourself able to do anything you want, you may feel sometimes frustrated, but that the point of a 100% security : your liberty is ok as long as it doesn't annoy somebody else, etc. currently we are already a part of higher systems : countries.

do you think a lone guy could be able to build, launch and drive a space shuttle until the moon ? no of course, but some countries working together can do these great things. not everything is totally wrong in the "gathering hierarchy", I think, from a neutral and objective point of view, that that is to be done : we have to work together, each skill on its own job, but I couldn't agree on how it will be done, because there always will be some thieves and liars to try to get the system for themselves.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:10:26 UTC Post #93116
I am afraid everything you are saying would be virtually impossible. There is no escape from a global fascist state. People will try to escape as rebel groups, but unfortuanelty gestapo like tactics will be considered by the Globalists. There is already a secret police in place at the moment, usually monitering the activity of civil rights groups, anti-war protestors, and freedom activists. (All of which will be considered a form of 'terrorism' in the newly formed totalitarialist state.) The only way to stop this New World Order is to spread the word and let people know what's really happening. People must be encouraged to turn to other media sources, rather than the mainstream media, whose lies and propoganda are polluting the atmosphere so to speak. Prison is a good site to go to if you want information. The site is maintained by a wide range of people and covers a wide range of issues regarding the emergence of a global fascist state. And despite much ridicule, David Icke also adds some great content on his headlines page.

Blasting off into space and exploring new worlds is not within our capacity. Funding of such a project would be denied, only globalist-run NASA has the capability to do so. Eventually, we may reaslise the truth in that we are all the facilitators of our own creative consciousness. In other words, reality is what you make it, and according to one man in the Whitehouse, "We create your reality." (Actually said in a Whitehouse speech when questioned about his errors. "It doesn't matter if what we said was wrong because we create your reality". When I heard that I nearly threw up. We now have the globalists telling us that they create our reality, isnt that nice. This world is such a charming place... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:30:42 UTC Post #93121
these guys need 2 things to exist and control :
the people agreement
be votes or just silence, or anything else, they need to be in the people minds, they need to be known, to be "nice", "strong" or whatever the people ask their government to be.

the people energy
be dollars, euros or direct work (slavery ?), or anything else, they need material to establish their autority, to make it real.

these two features mean a lot of sub-ones, like medias, money and people transports, an autority hierarchy (a lone guy cannot control the whole world), "action forces" (be the police, the army ...), they need hardware and software etc. that means there could be many possibilities to attack them : underground medias, software virus, a stock exchange crash etc.

these solutions are existing for centuries
why do you think the writers are writing ? why do you think the reporters are reporting ? why do you think the creative are creating ? to critizise, to comment, to report, to tell to the masses what they feel as a reality. that problem you're look like to discover is existing since the humanity stopped to travel and started to establish cities and created money, what do you think you could add to the whole system ? if you already know all that yourself, it's only because an other people decided to let you know :| ...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 12:43:00 UTC Post #93122
wow you look like to be a good mapper (just taken a look on your website), do you have some free time currently ? I am looking for a mapper (to assign and map textures, not to do maps) for my project about to be canceled (the map is 80% done), would you mind to take a look on it ? :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 07:52:15 UTC Post #93420
did I say something wrong ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 07:54:39 UTC Post #93423 man, sorry, I didnt get back to you... "My bad"

..erm, yeah sure - but I dont have a great deal of free time anymore, I work and go to university! :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 08:05:31 UTC Post #93426
if you are interested by this project, and think you could deal with the job and your studies, don't hesitate to email me at, I would be glad to give you every details about the project.

I noticed while visiting your screenshots gallery that you almost exactly got the style I would like for the map : something a bit dark, claustrophobic, and mechanical. I'll give you a free hand to design the map like you want (as long as it fits with the topic) and can provide you extra textures if you need some material you don't have :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 08:09:34 UTC Post #93427
...I could give it a try, why not. Only trouble is, I don't map for HL? yet because my silly comp cant handle it! (dayum!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 08:51:45 UTC Post #93452
the map project is currently for CS 1.6 :)

an original concept of a 4 floors level instead of the tired 4 corners square map on the same level with always on each corner Ts, bombA, CTs and bombB :| ...
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