Weapon start .. Created 21 years ago2003-12-30 14:33:47 UTC by $olid.$nipah ! $olid.$nipah !

Created 21 years ago2003-12-30 14:33:47 UTC by $olid.$nipah ! $olid.$nipah !

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 14:33:47 UTC Post #9815
hey guys, i downloaded this glockstart map on the "map vault" and i wanted to add a few weapons to it on the map so not on the player_equip that the player starts with the weapon. i just want that the player starts with all the pistols, and then @ a certain point in the map to pick up an ak or so... so i added the ak on the map glockstart. BUT IT DIDNT COME ON THE MAP :zonked: so my question is ... how do you add the weapons on a map where you got the player_equip on all the pistols cause they wont show up on the map. the weapons i mean is a ak or an awp. thx : :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 14:48:58 UTC Post #9817
I am not overly sure, but put all the pistols that you want you character to have touching where you spawn this means that when you spawn you'll instantly pick up all that touching you in toher words your pistols.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 15:45:12 UTC Post #9827
what mod/game does your ak come from? if its from another mod you will have trouble in getting the actually weapon to appear, if you did get it from another mod/game then all i can suggest is that you copy the fgd file from it to your valve folder or whatever you adequate directory is?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 15:57:57 UTC Post #9830
indead it doesnt show up but its from the game cs

so i startet a new map and i setted an entity weapon_mp5 in the world and a entity info_player_start but that weapon just dont show up ?? what am i doing wrong ?? in other maps i created the weapons all show up but now it doesnt .
ow yeah now in that map i created the new to check if the weaoin spawns . i got an error like velocity to low on weapon_mp5 ??? what does it mean and what do i do for it and how do i get the weapon spawn in my other map
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 16:08:40 UTC Post #9833
forget everything i said before just this :

-i make a map (a new one i make a box for my player)
-so i want weapons in it
-ill take the entity tool create a weapon_mp5
-compile map
-get an error tracker id invalid or something ...
-somethimes i get velocity to low for weapon_mp5
  • the game starts ... i can walk everywhere i want. but the weapon isnt there ...
after several hours of thinkin and waiting for answer im eating myself up why it doesnt work :'( why dont my weapons spawn on the map ...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 16:25:38 UTC Post #9834
Well, check the flags on the armoury_entity. Maybe the entity is there, but is in a area of the map that you cant go or see... Try to select the armoury_entity in the list, click the entity tool and then in the 3d view click in your map where you want to place it. Compilse and see... I hope it werkz :)
On other news... I'm getting a new pc with more RAM!!! no more memory allocation failure problems! ~YaY~ :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 16:38:30 UTC Post #9837
ok. the tracker thingy is just bull. ignore it. it's harmless. it does NOTHING. when it says got velocity w/e, that means your mp5 fell into the great void of nothingness. to see what i mean, make a map with a HUGE leak in it, and jump off the side. you'll get the same results, especially if u throw ur gun. if u want a gun to be on your map, use the armoury entity thingy. put it a little above the ground where you want it to be found, and then try it. if it's a hl map and you're trying to add an ak... why?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-30 17:17:15 UTC Post #9838
Whats wrong with the ak? perhaps he doesn't want to use the other similar ones?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-31 04:09:26 UTC Post #9887
There might be a reason you don't see elevators "n" stuff in CS.. Ever considered that?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-31 21:56:15 UTC Post #9992
why then ??
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 10:13:19 UTC Post #10036
I would put my money into r-speeds... :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-01 14:59:17 UTC Post #10050
No, it's just a gameplay thing. Round-based games + complicated stuff for poor dumb CS players to think about... not a good combo :nuts:
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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