Func_train&func_tankturret Created 18 years ago2006-02-22 06:36:36 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Created 18 years ago2006-02-22 06:36:36 UTC by Sajo Sajo

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 06:36:36 UTC Post #164409
As we seen in POV and many other mods that contains armed vehicles,func_train comes to a certain location (tank) and starts to fire after he comes.So how can I do that? making func_tankturret invisible then making it visible&killing the func_train at the same time?

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 08:05:43 UTC Post #164432
That would be a way to do it (though you don't have to kill that func_train - just make it invisible, just like you'd do with the func_tankturret. That would make it easier to make the tank move again after firing).

This was done in HL already, actually. A little more complicated though, as they used two turrets (one for the turret body, with no pitch freedom, another for the cannon itself, which actually fired).
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 08:45:53 UTC Post #164435
I think I couldnt make my self clear, as usual.
Now I have a tank(func_train) and it has a (func_tankturret,[as its cannon]).So I want to the tank to move a location then trigger its func_tankturret but how am I suppose to move the func_tankturret?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 09:45:03 UTC Post #164448
You can't move the func_tank, but you can make it look like it's moving.

Make 2 tracktrains, one for the tank turret, and one for the tank.

After the tank moves into position, env_redner the tank turret, and render the turret that is the actual func_tank--which was there all along, just invisible.

All the info you need for this is in Andy's tutorial... just add the tracktrains.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 09:55:36 UTC Post #164452
hmm.. No, i remember in HL, a tank drives through a door and proceeds to rip shit out of you..

Or is that done the same way?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 10:16:41 UTC Post #164453
env_redner the tank turret, and render the turret that is the actual func_tank--which was there all along, just invisible.
so you mean 2 func_trains one for the cannon and one for the tanks body.When it comes to the location.I'll kill the func_train which is cannon and env_render the invisible tankturret which was there already.
Am I right?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 10:25:14 UTC Post #164454
Yes, of course you'll need two func_trains. But I guess you came with your own solution here already. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 13:10:47 UTC Post #164494
what ya know?I'm getting full of expreince :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 20:59:33 UTC Post #164562
Please let us know how it works out and/or post us a linkie :)
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