CS Anthology Created 18 years ago2006-02-26 11:22:31 UTC by fixnfly5969 fixnfly5969

Created 18 years ago2006-02-26 11:22:31 UTC by fixnfly5969 fixnfly5969

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-26 11:22:31 UTC Post #165143
I'm giving mapping a try, or so I think. I've followed the tutorials at two different sites with the same undesirable outcome.

When I hit f9 to start compiling, it reads through and compiles it but when CS is supposed to kick the map off I just get some little non informative Worldcraft window that pops up and stays there. I mean it really "stays there", until I reboot "stays there".

I feel like an idiot cause I know it's something on my end as far as setup.

I was wondering though....... this CS Anthology edition is kinda weird... you actually have to have an internet connection to be able to play any part of the game. I wind up having to open a lot more folders than they are showing also. eg. Programfiles/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/fixnfly5969/Conditionzero/czero/maps......... Does this look right or should I create new folders, directories or what?

Anybody who can break it down for me, I mucho appreciate. I mean really idiot proof it for me please. I'm Psyched about mapping but this initial hurdle is knockin the wind outta me sails.

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-26 16:46:06 UTC Post #165193
I'm not sure what happened to you (what did that popup say?), but you can start the map manually from the console, by typing 'map mapname'. If the compile went fine, you should be able to play your map.

As for CS Anthology, Steam requires an active internet connection. However, there's an Offline mode (automatically available unless you don't want to store your account information on your computer).
Steams folder tree is also quite deep, yeah... but that's just where the game looks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-26 23:15:43 UTC Post #165252
There is no difference with the Steam files. Follow the turorials online, but instead of C:Sierravalve use C:Steamsteamappsurnamecounter-strikecstrikemaps, etc bla bla. Offline mode makes no difference. Pay attention to the settings and do them very carefully. The hardest part of 1.6 mapping is setting it up. Everyone has trouble. Keep reading and trying over and over, and soon you will locate the problem and BAM it will work. Also, use ZHLT.
(my post is kind of everywhere, so sorry :)
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