Recruitment for Dark Truths Created 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:16:35 UTC by Blizrun Blizrun

Created 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:16:35 UTC by Blizrun Blizrun

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:16:35 UTC Post #172502
Hey all. The handle's Blizrun, and some of you may have noticed the announcement of Dark Truths on PHL. Unforunately, their angle nowadays seems to be quick three sentence plugs at the end of the week, so two of the screens I sent in weren't shown, and neither was the mod's description. So, here it is.

Dark Truths places the player in the boots of Capt. Hunt, one of the Black Operators sent into Black Mesa to deal out a permanent solution to the problem. However, the Chief of Black Mesa Security, Joseph Miller, complicates things when he arrays the remaining civilian personell against the Black Ops. Hunt is sent to kill him, but events out of her control may not only stop her, but cause her to defect...

The mod is for the old Half-Life engine, my reasoning being that its limits are well known and can be sufficiently pushed to its limits without worrying about going beyond what most computers today can handle. I am hoping that some people here are interested enough to join the team and contribute. The URL for the site is and my e-mail is I hope to hear from someone soon.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 12:24:33 UTC Post #172504
Sounds good, seems to be well thought out to. Goodluck with it, i have to many projects to even think about joining a mod team. :P

ED: Just an idea, but the blood on the models doesn't look to convincing, i'd change that. The second screenshot in the media section looks real promising though. :)
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 15:10:06 UTC Post #172531
Some of my map screen shots are on that PHL news bulliten. :cool:

Awesome that you have got around to this again Blizrun, I cant wait to see what happens with Dark Truths.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 15:17:19 UTC Post #172533
I have nothing to do so I'll be happy to help you...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 15:58:38 UTC Post #172540
I already wondered... that map looks familiar...

I noticed this is indeed an attempt at resurrecting the old DarkTruth. That mod was really promising.
If I may be so free to ask, how much of the old DarkTruth content is being used? Or in other words, is this mod working further on the old work, or completely or mostly starting again?

I must note, however, that I do question the choice to go with the Half-Life engine. It's popularity is decreasing greatly, and taken into account creating such a mod can (and will) easily take a few years, how much public is there really left then? Will the argument that pushing engine limits is better than pushing system requirements still hold at that time? Is it really worth the lower visual quality (because people will compare it to Source shots)?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 16:19:34 UTC Post #172547

This it? Not much media at the moment but I like the whole story idea.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 09:18:38 UTC Post #172654
Thanks for the interest, people.

In my view, Captain P, graphics are a tertiary priority when it comes to games. Look at all the old games for the NES, SNES, and early PC era. The graphics then can't even begin to compare to what's capable today. Yet people continue to play them. Why? Because they are fun. If the gameplay and controls are solid, people will come back to it time and time again because it is still fun.

I do, however, intend to make a port to Source later on.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 10:08:33 UTC Post #172664
I agree graphics are less important than gameplay. But we're not speaking of an 'or' situation here - going for Source doesn't mean the gameplay will suffer.
As for those old games, it's what I call the difference between content- and gameplay-driven games. Most modern shooters rely heavily on content (single-player). Games like chess, tetris and multiplayer games rely much more on gameplay.

Besides, especially in this genre, graphics are quite important. Without gameplay they're still nothing but you can't simply ignore them and expect many people to get excited. The Source engine is easy to get into when you're familiar with HL modding and creating HL quality maps is faster (of course, creating higher quality still costs more time).

But, I know I'm too hammering now. Whatever you do, good luck with this. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 05:35:16 UTC Post #223278
this thing still active??
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 05:53:28 UTC Post #223279
oh my fucking god.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
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