The first of a flood Created 18 years ago2006-05-02 12:11:00 UTC by inuendocrash inuendocrash

Created 18 years ago2006-05-02 12:11:00 UTC by inuendocrash inuendocrash

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 12:11:00 UTC Post #177970
Hello, im sorta new, but i have a few questions, looked around, found a few answers, still have many questions. Pointing at tutorials ok if they are good (easy to read and to the point, not exclusively my point, but direct in general)

1. Is there a good way to easily make a destructible wall that breaks into bite sized pieces, not indevidually making 25 func_breakable entities that fit together jaggedly like a jigsaw. I want to know how to make 1 big func_breakable wall into 25 independent, random shaped pieces do i make a monster move in a defined pattern and do defined actions like you see everywhere in HL, like how the gman looks through the window, fixes his tie, than walks away. How do i make him fade out like he does in the game?

3. Could someone explain how to make buttons work good? i can't seem to get them to respond instantly

4. Could someone explain how to efficently align textures to a square, how to stretch, force to fit, shit around, how to texture all 6 faces of a cube diffrently, or would i have to make 6 brushes?

5. make a surf slide like a few maps in CS have

thats all for now, please don't give downloadable examples because the internet computer is not the worldcraft computer. (im using worldcraft 2.1)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 12:21:51 UTC Post #177971
1) 25 func_breakables are your friend.

2) Check this
and This

and Here is a tutorial explaining how to use them


Set delay before trigger to 0

4) Hit shift & A to open the texture tool... Use it without any solids selected, then click on the face you want to edit.

5) Check this out
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 13:00:55 UTC Post #177976
Get Hammer and ZHLT, both available from the Links page. WorldCraft and the Q-tools don't cut it. No excuses, I'm sure you're capable of moving files between computers :|.

4. Read the Texture Application tutorial.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 14:07:24 UTC Post #177993
Another question, how do i 'push' the player with invisible boundries? not an invisible wall, but push
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 14:23:23 UTC Post #178000
make a brush (where you want the push to be)
Texture it with 'aaatrigger'
Tie it to a trigger_push
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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