AIScripted_sequnce/Scripted_sequence Created 18 years ago2006-06-25 14:47:28 UTC by a a

Created 18 years ago2006-06-25 14:47:28 UTC by a a

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 14:47:28 UTC Post #186840
I have been trying to get a human grunt to shoot a window, using a scripted/aiscripted_sequence. I have set the sequence to the action of firing a grenade from his rifle. But the problem is, the grenade explodes in front of him instead of being proppeled into the ai-scripted sequence. How do i get him to shoot the sequence (or whatever i should be susing)? :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 19:46:57 UTC Post #186868
You need to fake it or just use spirit of Hl1!

Fake: Make the grunt play the animation without the explotion. Make the script entity target with a delay of a few seconds an env_explotion thats placed on the window. If the grunt still fires the grenade just like you described make him play a shoot bullte animation a few times(use multimanager to trigger the script about 3 or 4 times) and then make the window break.

Spirit: Spirit has an amazing new entity that can make monsters do any action you like. I.E: shoot/throw grenades/bulltes, jump...ect This way you can make the grunt lunch that grenade on the window with out any problems and it will look better then the fake version because this one is real.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-26 10:53:57 UTC Post #186999
I cant use spirit, it mucks around with the Opposing Force FGD im using for the cooler monsters and weapons like the "Vortigaunt" or the "Displacer Rifle".

Might it be an idea to make myself a miniature model of the grenade and have it move as a function train into the window, then have the window explode with and Env_explosion for enhanced realism - i could even make it ricochet for some sort of interesting scene... Thanks for the help

PS, what would happen if i was to have the AIScripted_sequence "Move to position" tab set to "No" - would the grenade travel to the target, or would it just blow up in his face again (i would use another AIScripted_sequence to get him to the firing position) :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 11:00:20 UTC Post #187126
I cant get him to make the action of fireing a grenade without actually firing it - how do i stop him from physically firing the grenade, and merely making the action of it.

Also, when i switched to the soldiers rifle instead of the Grenade launcher, when he fires, he fires the first shot in the direcion the AIScripted_sequence is in, then he fires the nex few rounds into the ground at his feet - how do i stop him from doing that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 12:14:07 UTC Post #187807
How do i get them to make the action of firing, but not actually fire - as he aims at the ground which doesnt really comply with the theatrical effect i want.

PS - in the Opposing Force training level, a grunt shoots you with a shotgun to demonstrate your suits protective abilitiies, how did they do that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 13:51:16 UTC Post #187812
set the grunts "Target" as the window, so he accually will shoot at that
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-03 01:15:03 UTC Post #188152
I tried setting the "Target" as the window, but he still fires his second and third rounds into the floor...

Is there something im missing?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-05 08:10:00 UTC Post #188583
spent the last week few days trying to get him to stop shooting his feet with no success.

Could somebody give me a link to a working example of this please?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-05 10:52:39 UTC Post #188631
you would have to make an object of the grenade not a model, coz the model won't follow track_trains! :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-05 14:58:48 UTC Post #188697
What i want is either:

a) My grunt to fire a grenade at a said target/aiscripted_sequince
  • or -
b) My grunt to make the action of firing a grenade at the said target, but not actually to fire it - hence i shall create a track_train of the grenade and simulate it being fired
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-07 08:47:20 UTC Post #189087
Is it possible to do either of these?

Ive been trying all week, but my attempts have been wrought with failure...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 15:53:31 UTC Post #189339
still failing... tried again today and yesterday
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 17:39:55 UTC Post #189354
put something behind the window for him to kill that respawns but can't kill him. eg zombie. he should shoot at the zomibe and if you get the angles right the player won't see the zombie but will see the grunt.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-09 00:53:15 UTC Post #189378
You can make a small train that looks like a grenade apear(path_corner's teleport flag) and move in an arch toword the window. When it reaches the window an env_explotion is activated. Qive him an angular velocity so he will rotate while moving. Quite similar to what I did with rockets. Check the example map in the vault, it's for spirit but basicly it's the same thing, I just made a model and sprites follow an invisible train, the rest is just like in Hl1.

You should add an env_shooter and make him shoot some extra glass, just like I did in my example.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 09:18:22 UTC Post #189928
I just finished experimenting with this, still with no success...

He now dissapears, but his gun remains hovering in mid air shooting at the window infinately, even long after the monster has dieed...

WTF is happening?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:13:56 UTC Post #189951
I'd say, that faking it would be the best option.
Just make a scripted_sequence with the grenade launch animation, trigger some sounds and fake the ARgrenade, if you need that much detail.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 17:32:45 UTC Post #189986
i think monsters can see other monsters that are renderd invissible.
Make a monster (any of the smaller ones ahould work as long as the grunt can't kill it in one shot). set the render mode up (i forget which makes it 100% transparent just play around with it)
Put by window
Tick monster_clip flag
make func_monsterclip box around it.
add func_hurt box with -1000 dmage and noclients ticked.

the grunt should try and kill the monster but will never kill it because of -func_hurt and the player can't see the monster.
To stop it target the monster with "kill target"
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