Dark Messiah. Created 18 years ago2006-08-10 09:07:15 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Created 18 years ago2006-08-10 09:07:15 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 09:07:15 UTC Post #193000

Extremely large download, but worth it.

Discover a new breed of action-RPG gaming powered by an enhanced version of the Source? engine by Valve. Set in the Might and Magic? universe, you'll plunge face-first into ferocious combat in a dark and immersive fantasy environment. Become an expert warrior, mage, or assassin using a wide variety of devastating weapons against vicious creatures in an expansive fantasy world.

I was skeptical, but now I am certain it is a brilliant game.

Edit - Here are a load of videos, if you would rather see the action than download.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 09:54:19 UTC Post #193006
An RPG, built in Source?
Interesting, but I don't feel, like downloading a 1.4 Gb demo. :zonked:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 10:18:41 UTC Post #193011
Mmm, it is a large download, I jsut left it going over night.
But the demo is fantastic fun if you do download it.

You can use ice spells to freeze the floor infront of your opponent and they'll slip on it, you can kick people into racks of spikes and other worldy objects, you can cut ropes to unleash traps on opponents etc.

I have played it several times as different classes, and to just basically see what else I can do.

And one of the best bits, which I wasn't expecting, was that I was fighting an orc and I let my guard down for a second, and it picked me up by the neck, glared at me and threw me a few metres through some boxes and crates.

I am definately gonna get this game when it comes out.

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 10:57:56 UTC Post #193015
It's great fun that game. I'm so buying (COUGH) that game when it's out. I hope, err, RELOADED distributes it. My favourite trick was playing as a mage, putting ice on the floor next to a long fall, and chase them into walking on it. Good fun. Another thing was setting fire to barrels with oil and watch them torch their environment, while throwing ice spells at the orcs.
Recommended for everyone.

Here's a swedish site's mirror (Fileplanet is a fucking cockshit piece of poopwad craphole) that's pretty fast, usually. I get 500-1000 KB/s from it:

If you're too stupid to figure out that Ladda Ner means Download, you don't deserve it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:07:14 UTC Post #193021
No it is NOT worth it, 1 and a half gig for 20-30 minutes of gameplay, if that!

I'll start right out by saying how hopelessly subjective and biased I am because of my love of Oblivion and the Elder Scrolls series over Might and Magic. With that in mind I still thought I'd give it a go because I enjoy fantasy RPGs and quite liked the look of the preview videos.

The graphics pale in comparison to the powerful engines behind Oblivion, but the first 'proper' level you get to play has some pretty visual effects and well constructed models/materials. Its obviously source and shows its age because of this (a lot of harsh angles/world brushwork), but its far from an ugly game. Could've done with a flashlight though, that bluevision is pants ;)

The feel of the game takes some getting used to, not only can you see your character but the head bob is very significant, with the display moving all over the place in combat and even while turning. Combat is interesting, but doesn't feel fluid, you dont get the real 'clang' of swords and shields in Oblivion and the feeling you are putting power into attacks.

Other misc problems: the UI is a little messy, especially the binding/startup menu system, black on black? What were they thinking? The characters foot also seems to extend about 3 feet further forward than it looks :S

Maybe I just need to play it more to appreciate it, I wasn't that impressed though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:32:47 UTC Post #193023
In my opinion, combat in DMoMM kicked the shit out of the boring hit-block-repeat style battles in Oblivion. It has a lot more feel to it in Dark Messiah. The HDR effects were lubly too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:38:56 UTC Post #193026
I have played far more than 30 minutes, so I would say it was worth it.
And also, it takes a couple of hours, well what would you be doing with that 2 hours anyway? I mean are you using your Internet extensively all through out the day, every day? So you might as well put it to good use when it isn't being used.

Also jobabob, what do you mean combat doesn't feel fluid?
It is far superior to Oblivion, even though I do like Oblivion. Oblivion is just mash the buttons, maybe block, but not often necessary.

And also I love in Dark Messiah the way you can actually connect with your swords, and try to over power the enemy, were as in Oblivion I am not even sure if it is possible. :confused:

Also jobabob, you can hardly fairly compare this with Oblivion, since Oblivion is a full game, and this was just a demo :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 11:53:25 UTC Post #193027
its their fault for releasing a demo with only 10 enemies to kill in it then!!

Its hard to describe what I mean by it not being 'fluid', I'll have another go at it to see if i can better describe it.

Not everyone has an ultra fast broadband connection, took me about 6 hours to dload.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 10:28:34 UTC Post #193267
i thought i was gonna get to own that cyclops :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 11:56:27 UTC Post #193270
Anyone have a release date? Am so getting this.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 12:19:07 UTC Post #193274
This didn't work for me but it has for lots of other people. It lets you modify the demo to use the spells that weren't included in the game, spawn new monsters, and many other things.

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 12:22:21 UTC Post #193275
ZombieLoffe, im pretty sure its a peice of poopwad craphole cockbite server, [Words inspired by Zombiloffe, who is a poopwad]

lozl I cna speel gud!!111 - Ant
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 12:25:02 UTC Post #193277
You swine, I was trying to edit.

This is the second link of my post above:

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-13 12:30:26 UTC Post #193278
yeah ubi is a peice of cockwad nippebite cockhole thingo

even mor gud speelin hree!111111 - Ant
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