Hello all, I've tried using hammer, but it crashes (i have another post here about that) I've discovered BSPEdit, a program that will allow you to drop models in, which suits me just fine. However, I have a few questions:
1) is there a mgic number to subtract from your POV in game t find the height of the floor? I start a new game and walk around the map, then find where I want to pt something, type status in console, and get XYZ coords, but the Z coord is the height of my viewpint, not the floor. What do I subtract from this to get the floor height?
2) How do you rotate/scale objects? I added a coffee-maker which was facing the wrong way, and a cafe table that looks like a kiddie table. I tried "scale" "2.0", default was "1.0" but that didnt work.
3) lastly, how do you make the object solid? when I added them, Iwas able to walk right through them.

Thank you very much for you help. If any one knows where I can get a list of the variables Id appreciate it for BSPEdit.