A changelevel problem Created 17 years ago2006-11-17 04:24:24 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Created 17 years ago2006-11-17 04:24:24 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-17 04:24:24 UTC Post #202968
Ok, on with my mine project. I now have two complete-ish maps, "switch1" and "switchhouse". I'm ready to join them together. I have my mine cart, starting next to switch 1 itself, which the player hops into and drives to the doors to the next section. The path_track in front of the doors triggers them, and then they're closed again by a path_track on the other side of it. Now, the next path_track is supposed to activate a trigger_changelevel. Simple enough.

But it doesn't.

I've checked the names, the landmark, and the path_track that triggers it, but nothing happens to the player. Is this a bug? Or is the trigger_changelevel taking place in all of the area specified apart from in the func_tracktrain?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-17 15:06:04 UTC Post #203020
I have. When the player on the func_tracktrain passes through the doors, first p_t after closes the doors, second activates the trigger_changelevel which is half of the corridor, the part the path_corner is in. And Use only is flagged.
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