Need helping with a trigger_once Created 18 years ago2007-02-07 16:24:31 UTC by `unknown `unknown

Created 18 years ago2007-02-07 16:24:31 UTC by `unknown `unknown

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 16:24:31 UTC Post #211879
Well I'm making a map with a sort of 'trap door'. So I made a trigger_once to open the door when you climb up the ladder, then there is a button on top to open the door. So after the round ends, the trigger_once doesn't work anymore. Any ideas how I can do something similar to this, or make the trigger_once work every round? Thanks in advance.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 16:37:42 UTC Post #211883
Well I do want the door to close afterwards, unless there is a way that I can use a func_button to make it open/close? Like when the light on the texture is green, the door is open OR unlocked, and when it's red, the door is closed OR locked. Thanks for the info tho

Edit: Nevermind, got it :D
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-07 20:30:46 UTC Post #211892
Trigger_once only works once, for certain events you don't want to be repeated. Like a falling boulder. You don't want it to be triggered again so it will climb up again, do you?

Trigger_multiple is exectly like trigger_once only that is can be oporated as many times as you like.
Here is a nice way for advanced mappers to control doors using trigger_multiple:
User posted image
Stay-Open Doors By SlayerA
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