I can't get env_smoker to work Created 17 years ago2007-04-01 20:16:08 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Created 17 years ago2007-04-01 20:16:08 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-01 20:16:08 UTC Post #217696
Maybe I'm missing something, i dunno, but I have several env_smokers set up in a bombsite. They are triggered by a mulit-manager (which is triggered by the func_bombtarget.) To simplify things, here is the entity set up for the smokers and the mm.

name: box1_gone
strength 1000
smoke scale 1

and the MM targets the name box1_gone. (the name box1_gone is also used by an env_render to hide the box, an env_shooter, and an env_explosion, so everything happenns at the same time.)

I know for a fact the problem isn't with the multi-manager, becuase it targets a gishooter(for a model of a body) several env_shooters (metal/wood gibs) and several env_explosions, and they all work without a hitch. I've tried setting health to -1, 100, etc, and still no luck, I also set the sprite scale to 2, 3, etc.

I also have a bombed out car I'd like to start out smoking (when the map loads) I also have an env_smoker their, tried naming it game_player_spawn, and also tried targeting it with a trigger_auto. it deosn't work either.

Yes, I could use the smoke sprite method, but it bugs me that I can't get this to work when its in the damn FGD. (of which I am using the latest one from slackkillers site.)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-02 06:47:17 UTC Post #217741
There's no env_smoke in HL. Unless you're talkiung about Spirit of Half-Life, i believe there's one there...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-02 20:21:30 UTC Post #217807
You guys have it listed in the CS entity guide, just not filled out.

I also noticed it listed on VERC and a few other CS forum sites. Somebody also asked about it here
but they never said if they got it to work, and I didn't want to bump an old post 0_o.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 12:40:02 UTC Post #217863
Did you try setting the trigger state to 0 or 2 and health to -1
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 21:35:12 UTC Post #217934
tried health -1, I will try the trigger state thing.

I tried it with both trigger states, on and toggle. Still wont work. maybe its just a bad entity? ANybody wanna give it try to do a small example map?
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