yeah so new HL1DM map Created 17 years ago2007-04-23 13:17:34 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 17 years ago2007-04-23 13:17:34 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 13:17:34 UTC Post #219887
Despite vista sucking, i just cant deal with source anymore. I'm taking a break. There's too much stuff to learn and i don't feel like messing with it yet.
I've become quite accustomed to mapping with solid polygons now and i started work on a new HL1 deathmatch map that will hopefully make it to muzz's server if he approves.


It's based off the tuam cathedral and i already have the front entrance mapped out and i'm just hoping to have some blood and gore inside a church. I'll post some screenshots as soon as their worthy of being posted. Which means.. It'll take a while because i have an english paper to write, calc test to study for, and next week is finals week.


needless to say it's gonna be a while, and im not even going to have any custom content, well, because there's no vista compatible photoshops out there that i can use free of charge (lets not get into that)

I guess i can include one screenshot so here it is:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 15:34:17 UTC Post #219896
hehe, yeah, those doors look silly right now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 16:00:39 UTC Post #219900
@ espen180 and BL : I'm going to make the rest of the cathedral first then search for / create my own textures for the doors. I do agree that they look silly.

New screenshots. Just some more windows. I can't get a picture of this part of the side of the church so i'm just gonna stick these windows in.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 20:58:22 UTC Post #219912
No offence but this looks more of a fortress then a cathedral.
You must first keep a few things in mind while building a cathedral:

1. They are always shaped like a cross, on the fist side there are usally statues of the new testement and on the other the old.

2. All the designs are mainly based on arches. Gothic, and all. Here is a quite common design of the nave, it's based on three main arches. One big one in the middle and two smaller arches in the side. They are sometimes seperated by small pillars.

Look at my map ocean temple, it is not loosly based on a cathedral. Though I did make alot of changes, the pillars should be thiner and a larger number of them, there shouldn't be a pool in the middle, most of the cathedral's floor should be in the same hight and cathedrals are much more vast.
Vox's cathedral is also a very nice example, much more loyal to the real thing, but still it's still not perfect.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 21:04:15 UTC Post #219913
The proportions are [/i]way[/i] off. No realistic cathedral will be so much taller than it is wide or long, if it's even taller at all. As Elon said, it looks more like a fortress or a castle than a cathedral. This is probably because of the pillars on the corners and the sheer proportions of the structure. Give it a more pointed roof, make the building slant downward as it moves toward two parallel edges, make it a lot wider if you can, and, if you must have pillars, make them about half as small. And the textures kinda suck, but those can be cleaned up in 2 seconds.
Have at thee!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 21:30:49 UTC Post #219919
Uhhhh.. im not DONE yet this is just the front... part thingy
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 21:42:18 UTC Post #219920
Cathedrals come at all sizes and proportions, so anything you do is fine as long as it's free of mapping errors. People might mean it doesn't look like a gothic cathedral (such as the famous Notre-Dame), but there are lots of types.
The problem is that the current texture you used makes it look more like a castle. If you consider the german westwerk (as in 'God's castle'), it is not uncommon to find similarities. After all, cathedrals were often used as fortresses in uneasy times!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:06:36 UTC Post #219923
Thanks kasp. I'm working off 2 reference photos right now: for the front


for the side
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:07:37 UTC Post #219924
I would do some research on Gothic architecture...

What's a Cathedral without a flying buttress?

You'd be suprised by how these things are built. First, you have to decide which kind of cathedral you want. I think you want a Gothic, not a Romanesque, which basically means that it's walls will be extremely thick.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:31:54 UTC Post #219926

so.. thicker walls??
Cool. i'll look into it. Before i hit up google and wiki, do you have any good archetecture sites?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:39:18 UTC Post #219927
Damn, why are these Imageshack links so slow?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 23:33:18 UTC Post #219932
Not sure, but here's more of them.

3 more. And once again, the textures are just placeholders

And I'm just basing this off the reference pics right now, nothing more. Once i get the outside architecture completed, I'll research up on Gothic structures
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 03:54:06 UTC Post #219936
Worldcraft dude, cathedrals can be large like that one, I think the hight is quite ok. Here's a pic:
User posted image
I don't know if those towers look nice but maybe they will once you'll add the nave's roof and more decorations on them. I also think the building lacks contrast, the only colour is grey, for the outside it's great since you are building a very fortrified cathedral but in the inside I'd advice you to use reds as well.
I think red colours and black stones will do for this one, this one looks a bit creepy. :o
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 04:14:53 UTC Post #219938
Dude... why software mode?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 05:29:37 UTC Post #219946
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 05:53:31 UTC Post #219947
Didn't some really old version of Hammer not use OpenGL? Just an idea...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 06:38:28 UTC Post #219948
its called notepad.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 08:10:16 UTC Post #219949
srry, worldcraft 1.6 was created for quake 1 and 2, quake 2 already has the option to use OpenGL, and so does worldcraft 1.6.
If you can't run worldcraft 3.3 or even 2.1 then the only other option is notepad. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 08:35:23 UTC Post #219950
hahah yeah. as soon as i get back home, i'm gonna wipe my HD and downgrade to XP.
vista is cool but everyone is right. It's too new.
Illl get it when halo 2 comes out for it hahha.

only reason i got it was because it was free from my skool.

There might not be an update today as i have to work and there's a major paper due tomorrow.

I'll see what i can do, and thanks for the input.

For the meantime, does anyone have a good stone texture pack?
I'm going to check wadfather but i was wondering if anyone just has oe lying around.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 08:57:41 UTC Post #219951
ima partition my second HDD and put vista on it so i can try out the nvidia cascades dx10 thingie :>
i get it free from uni and dual booting on a clean partition = no vista rape!
except it takes a bit of effort to remove the vista dual boot screen after deleting the install, from my experiences with the betas.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 09:06:58 UTC Post #219953
Thats a good idea but i have no experience with partitioning, so i'm just going to stick with XP for another year maybe.
BUT i have a class and i probably wont be here for another.... 12 hours or so

give or take
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 18:26:43 UTC Post #220018
Woo, Notepad FTW. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 18:46:00 UTC Post #220019
Notepad for what?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 19:21:48 UTC Post #220026
Notepad for mapping!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:25:51 UTC Post #220031
What? how's that work.
Or am i just not seeing the sarcasm in this thread?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:48:59 UTC Post #220044
My sarcasim detector is going through the roof.
Though, in theory, it would actually be possible. It would be unbelievably complicated because you would have to map weird characters and most of what you typed proabbly wouldn't even translate into world geometry, but its probable :D
By the way that looks a lot better, Tet. I didn't know you had so little done on it when you posted that first screenshot.
PS: Hitler also played HL on Software mode. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:51:36 UTC Post #220045
No, although i AM of German descent, i'm rater fond of not being hitler.
And i'm working on the outlying walls before i make the roof.
Compile time is up to 2 minutes now.
Pretty long considering my machine :)
But, i push onward :) hah
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 21:26:44 UTC Post #220050
RMF and VMF files are just text files
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 21:55:48 UTC Post #220051
Lol penguinboy, let the notepad thing go.
If you can make a map with notepad that doesnt have a leak, and can PROVE IT.. i'll be impressed and will stfu
but until then
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 22:42:12 UTC Post #220053
You can make a map in Notepad: he's not joking.

Open up an RMF in Notepad and take a look: it's not as incomprehensible as you think. There are even tutorials on mapping in Notepad.

Once again: there's no sarcasm here, nor is it a joke. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 23:54:03 UTC Post #220057
now that's just ridiculous. Maps DO look cool in notepad though.

Working all day today, and then hitting up the beach later because i need to relieve some massive amounts of stress. Maybe after the beach, I'll work on my cathedral a little more.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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