new maps released Created 17 years ago2007-06-18 22:04:12 UTC by klobb klobb

Created 17 years ago2007-06-18 22:04:12 UTC by klobb klobb

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-18 22:04:12 UTC Post #225615
hello i release a few new maps. please check them out and give me feedback. here is the link i have 4 maps in total.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 03:26:48 UTC Post #225630
I don't play the original counterstrike anymore but I can tell from the screens that there are some good ideas in there. The architecture looks kind of basic and blocky and you've filled it in with crates which is a big no no when creating map that should feel like real places.

Some wierd issues with textures too. (I'm mostly talking about the blocks with the barrel textures.)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 04:03:19 UTC Post #225631
yeah the barrels were kind of a temporary thing that i just forgot to fix. the crates and everything like that were about all my creativity allowed while i was/am still learning how to make maps. but i really want to re-invent temple falls with statues and no crates. sarcaphogus and things like that. and put water sprites at the bottom of the falls. also make the water look different. not just blue but more transparent, more life like
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 07:44:21 UTC Post #225645
Those are great ideas, why not pursue them?

Start by writing down those ideas, draw some sketches, do some research (google images, play other peoples maps based on temples etc), get some matching and fitting textures and then start experementing a bit in Hammer, without having a actuall map in thought.

When you actually think you've succeeded at making that temple look, then, and only then you start drawing a layout and actually work on the map.

Take your time, and something really nice might actually come out. Good luck!!
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