How skip movies ??? Created 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:10:41 UTC by Michey Michey

Created 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:10:41 UTC by Michey Michey

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:10:41 UTC Post #234193
Hi is there a way to make trigger camera movies skippable in half life 1
by button pressing ?
And change hud color in a simple way (without code modification) ?

p.s Soon I 'll upload my mod "Halflife vs The Ring" ?!
( it scared myself during construction.. really ! ) :confused: :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:59:22 UTC Post #234199
This is NOT impossible in regular half-life. All you'd need to do is teleport the player into a small back box that's been turned into one func_button, so when you press the use key it triggers another camera entity and the sequence stops. That easy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:02:08 UTC Post #234201
Argh, you ruined my edit. I meant to say black box, and I meant to say that the player should be teleported to it when the sequence starts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:04:50 UTC Post #234203
The only thing about this is that you'll also have to disable everything else that's running during the sequence. For instance, If you have guys walking around, they'll have to be "killed".
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:29:31 UTC Post #234210
This is NOT impossible in regular half-life. All you'd need to do is teleport the player into a small back box that's been turned into one func_button, so when you press the use key it triggers another camera entity and the sequence stops. That easy.
Actually it is possible...with some tricky and risky mapping

1) Make a black box with enough space for the player to fit in.

2) Teleport (lets name this teleport1) the player into the black box when your cinematic stuff starts.

3) Place another func_teleport (lets name this teleport2) above the player in that small black box. So, when the player jumps(default - spacebar) he will enter the trigger_teleport.

4)Now we need to trigger_off the cinematic. Cover the teleport2 with a trigger_once. (it should work, if not I've got another solution)

5)Make that trigger_once, trigger_off your cinematic or other entities you were using for your cinematic. (including teleport1). Also like srry said, if you have guys walking around, they'll have to be "killed".

6)Place an info_teleport_destination at the exact same location where he got teleported into the black box (with teleport1)


Sorry if it sounded complicated, its really easy actually. Maybe I can make an example map if you don't understand.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:33:12 UTC Post #234212
You fail so hard... Oh my god, I can't even comprehend it. I JUST TOLD HIM it was possible. Are you blind?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:34:13 UTC Post #234213
argh..I was editing..
You fail so hard... Oh my god, I can't even comprehend it.
Why is that?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:35:31 UTC Post #234214
I explained why.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:38:52 UTC Post #234216
Yea, I know. I was editing again. But you are faster.
You fail so hard... Oh my god, I can't even comprehend it. I JUST TOLD HIM it was possible. Are you blind?
I think I'am blind. Didn't pay attention to the whole thing with that func_button... Anyway, its not completely wasted. How was he going to get out of that black box after he pressed the func_button anyway?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:40:42 UTC Post #234218
By teleporting out, presumably. I figured it was too obvious to be worth mentioning, but whatever.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:47:46 UTC Post #234220
You fail so hard... Oh my god, I can't even comprehend it. I JUST TOLD HIM it was possible. Are you blind?
argh..I was editing..
You fail so hard... Oh my god, I can't even comprehend it.
Why is that?
I explained why.
Isn't it obvious that I quoted your un-edited post, by the way?

It's not such a bad thing if another guy explains it step by step with another way.

No srry, you are still acting like a dick.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 16:53:40 UTC Post #234229
oh how many answers ! thanks lot.. srry your method is very smart but..
since I put lot of effort (and many nights..) in my mod intro-movie I
prefer everybody sit and watch it whole without skip (it's important
for the storyline). eh eh
Now I'm trying change those damn hud colors ! Hope it really works !
Thanks anyway
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:53:42 UTC Post #234249
about the hud color espen:
I need spirit installed to do what you say ?
cause I don' use spirit normally.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:56:27 UTC Post #234250
ITT we all fail to read other's posts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 20:27:54 UTC Post #234274
sorry it doesnt work Espen180
I think the only way (as some tutorials explain) is modify dlls :tired:
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