batch compiling question Created 16 years ago2007-11-25 03:02:47 UTC by klobb klobb

Created 16 years ago2007-11-25 03:02:47 UTC by klobb klobb

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 03:02:47 UTC Post #239135
hey guys i posted a question on another forum about nems batch compiler and -wadinclude but got no responses. so even though this may not be the place for help with nems, maybe one of u knows the answer.

say my .wad file is named:egypt.wad how can i include this into the map? i have tried several -wadinclude tutorials and tried to setup hammer to work but i always get an error when compiling. using a batch setup i get great compiles but of course i cant seem to get the custom textures to include the right way. can someone give me a clue if using nems is even possible to wad include?
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 03:56:05 UTC Post #239137
For future reference, this is the place for anything related to GoldSrc and Source engine development, or just Half-Life related stuff in general. Hell, it doesn't even need to be Half-Life related, or computer related, apparently. You can't go wrong asking ANYTHING here, so long as it's in the correct section (and don't worry, this thread is.)

But as for your question, all you need to do is either add a simple parameter in Hammer, or enter the WAD name into a text field with Nem's Batch Compiler.

For Hammer, click the compile button, and highlight the compile command for CSG by clicking it. Now in the CSG parameters box, after all the other text, type in "-wadinclude egypt", without the quotes. Do NOT type "-wadinclude egypt.wad". You just need the name of the WAD, not the extension! For every WAD you include, you'll need to type another "-wadincude" followed by the name of the WAD.

For Nem's Compiler, it's a lot simpler. Under the CSG tab, there are eight different text fields that say "WAD File" and have a tickable box beside each of them. Just tick a box and browse for the desired WAD you wish to include, or type the name of it in manually. If you type the name of the WAD in, make sure you DO put the ".wad" extension on the end of the name. I don't actually know if this is necessary, but that's how it does it when you browse for the WAD, so I'd just go with that. Do this for every different WAD you wish to include.

That's basically a whole tutorial on wadincluding, although condensed. Do everything here and I guarantee it'll work fine.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 14:03:39 UTC Post #239148
for future compiling, use THIS batch compiler. It is vastly superior to Nem's.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 14:06:47 UTC Post #239150

Thank you, Hunter!

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 15:19:44 UTC Post #239155
thanks for such a detailed response. if i cant get it to work this time i will have to do some serious soul searching to see if i am really cut out for mapping.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 16:16:10 UTC Post #239157
Muzz's compiler is even easier.
use the compilator. it's foolproof
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 16:20:52 UTC Post #239158
it's foolproof
Even though there still are some minor bugs, but they won't affect the functionality of the application, it still compiles maps fine.

Check out the development thread for more info:
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-25 17:57:03 UTC Post #239167
Shameless plugs, etc. abound in this thread.

Anyway, not being able to get -wadinclude to work doesn't determine whether you're cut out for mapping. All that's required is an active imagination. If you don't have that at all, then yeah, I'd consider another hobby. :)
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