Possible spoilers
Ok so I ran it on my PC instead.
It was a great mod.
For me it was roughly 1.5 hours of gameplay, and I think that's pretty decent for a mod?
It wasn't that scary, but I did get a little scared the minutes before the zombies (or whatever that shit was) were released.
The monsters were awesome, tho very easy to take down.
It was also very easy to leave most of the work to the soldier who was with you since he was invinceble.
Tho his weapons didn't do half the damage as my weapons did.
Oh and also, the aiming system is quite fucked up.
I once unloaded a whole magazine in the stomach of a guy, and it did no damage at all, the shots hit him, but nothing happened.
This happened several times with several weapons, and at some points it seemed as if you aimed better without the iron sight.
I enjoyed playing it anyways.