Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Created 16 years ago2008-06-17 18:39:13 UTC by klobb klobb

Created 16 years ago2008-06-17 18:39:13 UTC by klobb klobb

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 18:39:13 UTC Post #251420
here is a screen shot from hammer:
User posted image
in game this is whats happening:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
what am i doing wrong? i never had this happen before, but i have also never had sky brushes where it mattered
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 19:06:53 UTC Post #251422
See what happens when you compile with normal VIS. That is -fast VIS off. If that doesn't fix it, try full VIS.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 19:18:54 UTC Post #251423
I had that problem with my older map. Never got it to go away :\
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 20:12:01 UTC Post #251428
The issue here is the realism / physics concerning the situation.

If that room is supposed to be within the building on the right hand side then the exterior side of the building should go back further anyway. Not just end 16 units deep.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 20:42:49 UTC Post #251433
yeah i compiled with full vis in these screen shots. urbanebula im not sure i understand what u are saying, but the room that is cut off is near the end of the building and there is a wall and stairs that are cut off completely u cannot see them in the screen shot.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 21:34:42 UTC Post #251663
offtopic: muzzleflash, for a second there i thought that was you in you're diplay picture, then i stopped and sayed "nah, girls can't play video games" "and muzzleflash is a dude, too" :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 23:58:54 UTC Post #251669
It's Alize` man.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:18:14 UTC Post #251672
muzz, nice new avatar :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:28:53 UTC Post #251673
i'd say just map some scenic buildings. some scenery never really hurts unless you're near maxing your map's resources out. :)
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:50:16 UTC Post #251678
aw nuts, muzz changed it back, now i look like a idiot... and i also am being forced to say very off topic things....:P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 05:51:42 UTC Post #251683
User posted image
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 07:13:08 UTC Post #251684
offtopic: muzzleflash, for a second there i thought that was you in you're diplay picture, then i stopped and sayed "nah, girls can't play video games" "and muzzleflash is a dude, too" tongue - :P
First of all, that ain't me, but Aliz?e, a french pop singer that i like. Nothing more. Until that is, i changed it yesterday, now it is the NASA logo.

Second of all, klobb will now chase you down for hijacking his thread!
Don't go offtopic in mapping threads. If you want to say something that has nothing to do with mapping, either use the general discussion forum or the PM system.
It's Alize` man.
Make that Aliz?e. :)

On topic now. Take a look at Terrors's picture. Maybe you need to add some brushwork to stop the player from seeing through the sky into another part of your map.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 10:31:57 UTC Post #251686
Captain Terror pretty much summed up what I was trying to say.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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