Map VERY BEGINNER Created 16 years ago2008-08-23 17:22:20 UTC by macect macect

Created 16 years ago2008-08-23 17:22:20 UTC by macect macect

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-23 17:22:20 UTC Post #254399
the title of my forum is such because i have never mapped before, I have pretty much no experience outside of my own testing. I realize there are some tutorials here, and they are great, they have helped me, but i need a little help beyond that of a tutorial.
Here is my main problem. I can make Maps that look pretty nice, good textures bridges landforms, but i have no idea how to use models and codes, and how to compile. Can anyone explain the most basic map things such as adding moving models and stuff.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-23 17:25:18 UTC Post #254400
Well it depends on what you're trying to do. You don't need code or models to make something as simple as a CS map.
If you want to use models for props, the way you use them is different for most games, so again, we'll need to know what you're mapping for.

Unless you're trying to make a mod with new weapons/enemies/etc, you don't need to code.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-23 17:28:05 UTC Post #254401
For what are you mapping? HL1 or Source?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-23 19:25:53 UTC Post #254410
hl 1. but im just asking for basics, i want to become a mapper for a mod so i have to know about everything first. im just talking i dont quite understand the idea of compiling and the halflife.fdg or whatever they give you, i get making the rooms and lands, but nothing else, so half life 1 valve hammer 3.4
just making my own maps for now but iwant to know all the mo0odels and stuff and how to add them so i can become a real mapper someday
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-23 19:54:26 UTC Post #254411
Moved to HL Engine Discussion.


Here's a compiling 101:

I asume you already have put together a map for the player to move around in. To produce the final bsp product (which is the actualy level file that you put online for other people to download and play), youy map MUST have the following:

1. Geometry. Walls, floors, stuff like that.
2. A starting position for the player. For HL Singleplayer, you need 1 info_player_start entity. For HL Deathmatch, at least one or more info_player_deathmatch entities.
3. At least one light source. This could either be a single point light (lightbulb) or a texture light (a texture that emits light by itself)
4. Your map must be leak free. In other words, it should be sealed off from the void. The void is bacically, the space in which you build. Think of it like a spacecraft in space. The spacecraft is your map, the space is the void. If the spacecraft has a leak, you can pretty much say that the crewmembers will be dead very soon. Leaks are like holes. But when it comes to HL1 mapping, a map that has a leak will still compile, but you won't have any lighting, your map will appear fullbright ingame.
5. An error free map. No invalid brushes. The compiler log will notify you of any errors.

Hammer saves maps in rmf (Rich Text Format) format. But the compile tools cannot read rmf files, only .map files, so you need to convert your map to a .map file. To do this, goto the file menu in Hammer, and choose Export to .MAP. This will export your map as a .map file. Use the same filename.

Now where ready to compile. There are a couple of ways to compile your map:

1. With the build-in compile in Hammer. I would not recommend this.
2. With a front end compiler. A front end is just a Windows application to ease the compilator process. All options and switches can be accessed by simply checking a checkbox. Popular front ends are Nem's Batch Compiler, HLCC and my very own Compilator.
Make your choice, and download it.

Next, you need the latest compilation tools. If you've chosen for the Compilator with ZHLT 3.4, you already have the latest compile tools. If not, download them here: (ZHLT = Zoners Half-Life Tools)

Download that and put it somewhere where you can find it. I suggest you use put everything in the tools directory within your Hammer installation directory. Before you extract the file, make sure you clean up the tools directory. There's a lot of old just in there that is horribly outdated.

We'll continue when you're ready.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-24 13:28:05 UTC Post #254477
ahhh i see. now ive also been wondering, how do i add models are there any defult ones that come with hammer? like iwant to add a sword or something. but i cant just make a sword and out it somewwhere to pick up. it needs to have some sort or code. right now ill just take default ones like a cs gun. so my main question, did default models come with it, is that what the halflife.fdg is? and if so, how do i insert these models in the game
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-24 13:39:21 UTC Post #254478
FDG's contain the entity lists of a specific game, they are not models.

There are default models, but they are somewhat limited. IE, there's not a sword or anything, although it would be cool.

You insert models with an entity capable of displaying them like a cycler or a monster_furniture. They're both point entities.

In the properties of those entities, there should be a model field with a browser function to show you which models are avaliable. Select one, position it, and you have a model.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 19:48:36 UTC Post #254570
also, what can any1 tell me about using entities. i'm trying to get a monster rbut i can find any entities entity groups or anything, can you help?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 19:55:46 UTC Post #254571
Did you load the fgd in Hammer?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 21:19:09 UTC Post #254576
i tried, i dont know it it worked though could u tell me how
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 21:32:23 UTC Post #254577

A lot of people skip a step or so when setting up hammer for the first time because they are eager to start and besides, it's not the most intuitive UI in existence. Read this tutorial very carefully, it describes loading an fgd and setting everything up.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 22:30:54 UTC Post #254579
ahhh ty! i get it.

also when i add something like a wheelbarrow its like a lob on editing mode is that normal? ad do i have to add textures to prefabs or entities.

another thing. does an non monster npc entity come with the entities? by that ui mean which ones dont attack you
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-26 23:15:51 UTC Post #254581
Not sure what you mean with the wheelbarrow but as for the second question, prefabs are saved brushwork in hammer, they come textured but you can also texture them yourself. It's just brushwork. Entities themselves aren't created or edited in hammer, so you can't texture them with it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-27 01:14:13 UTC Post #254585
I recommend starting out with mapping and then proceed to more advanced custom models and custom codes.

Making a mod is pretty complicated.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-27 19:01:57 UTC Post #254608
what i meant was i made wheelbarrow but its more like a square in the map editing mode.

also could some 1re explain the concept of importing models very simply plz ;)
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-27 19:43:58 UTC Post #254609
I agree with satchmo, you shouldnt try to learn most of the stuff in such a hurry. Start from mapping then proceed to more advanced stuff. Or you'll probably end up with a crappy mod. (no offense, mappers who made stuff in a rush always ended up with a horibble map/mod)

(If it's a Singleplayer mod, you'll need to practice with entities too.)
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-27 22:35:26 UTC Post #254618
I'm not currently making a mod, just practicing so how do i import models? also ive already practiced for a while with the maps uncomplicated for a while
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