MS3D crashes when compiling qc file Created 15 years ago2009-03-14 19:14:12 UTC by Berntsen Berntsen

Created 15 years ago2009-03-14 19:14:12 UTC by Berntsen Berntsen

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-14 19:19:16 UTC Post #264139
Seems like I'm becoming a regular on these forums, every time I need help with something...

Anyway. Every time I get stuff working properly in Milkshape, a new problem seems to appear. I created a model of a toilet, 365 vertices and 541 triangles. Everything seemed good, but when I compile the qc file, I get the message "MS3D has stopped working", and subsequently the compilation process fucks up. I tried to compile the model with StudioMDL, but the same thing happens - the program just stops working.

When I created the model, I made one half and then duplicated it, and welded the sides together. But I realised, along the middle line of the whole model, there were too many triangles as a result of mirroring the half, perhaps four times as many triangles as necessary. I therefore cleaned the model up a bit, but after doing this and choosing "face>smooth all", I get these ugly borders along some of the triangles:

I have no idea what's causing this, but choosing "tools>model cleaner" seems to suggest "a group contains two or more verts that, when welded, will cause discontinous texture mapping. do you want to separate the verts?", but I have no idea what the hell this means, or what the hell is wrong with these verts in particular. Mind you, these verts go along the new triangles I created after having cleaned up the two half parts, when I realised there were too many triangles...

Argh! My brains! Help me please, you experienced people out there!
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-14 20:40:15 UTC Post #264140
Nevermind, I figured out what was wrong... I had to assign the vertices of the model to a joint for the sequence .smd to compile properly.
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