monster_handgrenade alt. Created 15 years ago2009-03-29 12:51:04 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Created 15 years ago2009-03-29 12:51:04 UTC by Notewell Notewell

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 12:51:04 UTC Post #264732
Okay, this is bugging me a bit. I had this scene envisioned, wherein the player would walk under a vent, and hear barney yell "EAT THIS" then the vent cover would break and an armed grenade (monster_handgrenade) would drop out of the vent.
But now I've found that monster_handgrenade is'nt coded as an entity, it's just in the FGD. I've tried an env_shooter with an env_explosion on the ground under it, but that looks bad, since half the time the 'grenade' is under the floor.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can salvage this?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 13:08:24 UTC Post #264733
Try using a monstermaker and make it spawn a monster_handgrenade. Hopefully it'll explode a few seconds after being spawned by monstermaker, like a grenade that has been thrown.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 13:12:21 UTC Post #264734
I did use a monstermaker, I guess I forgot to mention that. I'm using spirit, so it does'nt crash, but I get a console error that the entity does'nt exist.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 14:59:21 UTC Post #264738
I'd use a func_train that would be the granade, make it to follow a path you want it to go and then make it stop for a couple seconds on the floor. env_explosion effect on the location of the granade and the train would then move on one more step trough the floor to make it seem like it dissapeared.

I've got no clue of monstermakers, never had the need to study that part of HL mapping yet.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:07:29 UTC Post #264740
Monstermaker is an awesome entity, as it can spawn pretty much any entity available in the fgd file.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:16:56 UTC Post #264741
That may work, but it's a bit much for something that you'll only see for a few seconds. I may use it, thanks fold.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:25:01 UTC Post #264742
Why not place a human grunt, make him play the "throw grenade" animation, then kill him using the kill property of a trigger_relay.

All you need to do is position the grunt so, that the grenade he throws lands and explodes where you want it to explode.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:27:53 UTC Post #264743
The grenade entity is actually called "grenade", not "monster_handgrenade". Try spawning one of those.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:42:19 UTC Post #264744
I shall try spawning a 'grenade'.
Muzz: I doubt I could fit a grunt inside a vent, though.
EDIT: WTF? 'Grenade' spawns an AR grenade that bounces around and does'nt explode... :/ I guess it was meant for that sequence in the surface tension garage, but i always get two grenades instead of one there.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 15:57:06 UTC Post #264746
Muzz: I doubt I could fit a grunt inside a vent, though.
If you can't fit a grunt, you can't fit a barney in the vent either.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 16:03:20 UTC Post #264747
it's not a real barney, it's an ambient generic.
I looked through the code, and it's not ggrenade, it's not handgrenade... I guess I'll have to do the trial and error involved in making it an env_model attached to a train and go a realistic speed.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 16:05:06 UTC Post #264748
Does the player actually get to see the grenade in your scene? If it doesn't, you can simply play the grenade bouncing sound and target an env_explosion a few seconds later.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-29 19:30:13 UTC Post #264749
No, it drops out of the vent right in the player's face unless they run.
EDIT: got it to work, I also gutted my map and posted it in the example map vault for other people's convinience. Thanks all!
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