How to make 2 different surfaces? Created 15 years ago2009-11-26 17:59:32 UTC by agrs700 agrs700

Created 15 years ago2009-11-26 17:59:32 UTC by agrs700 agrs700

Posted 15 years ago2009-11-26 17:59:32 UTC Post #276075
Hello, i made a prop for be used on css, I tryed to make a prop with 2 surfaces, but i dont know how, the prop is a chair which has a metal and a wood parts, so, how can I make it to has a wood behaivour and a metal behaivur for different parts?. the qc file is:

$cd "C:\Nueva carpeta (5)"
$modelname "mesa_u1.mdl"
$model "Body" "Table_1.smd"
$cdmaterials "models\props\map1\"
$hboxset "default"
$collisionmodel "Table_1.smd"
$mass 100.000

$hbox 0 "static_prop" -16.250 -32.500 0.000 16.250 32.500 24.085
// Model uses material "Table_1.vmt"
$surfaceprop "wood_plank"
$keyvalues { prop_data { "base" "Wooden.Large" } }
$illumposition 0.000 0.000 12.042
$sequence idle "idle" act_idle 1 fps 30.00
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-27 03:57:53 UTC Post #276087
As far as I am aware, props can only have 1 surface material.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-27 06:26:03 UTC Post #276092
I don't have a clue how you'd go about organising and compiling it, since I don't really model, but you'd have to use more than one material for your prop. One VMT & VTF set for the wooden parts, and one more of each for the metal parts.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-27 19:00:01 UTC Post #276108
You have two potential options. You can split the model into two separate meshes with different materials applied to them, as Strider said. They shouldn't be compiled separately - select both meshes when exporting and it will combine them into a single file which you then compile with studiomdl.

Alternatively if your model is rigged somehow (or if you want to rig it) you can use $jointsurfaceprop to apply material properties to a particular bone and anything associated with it. (so you would need two bones; one that controls the wood parts and one for metal.)

Also you need to remove the $surfaceprop command from your QC; a QC-defined surfaceprop will always override a material's surfaceprop. I'm not even sure if a model will inherit it's materials' surface properties so you might be better off just creating a model that is only one material type.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
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