Huh?!@#11 Created 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:11:04 UTC by quailcreek quailcreek

Created 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:11:04 UTC by quailcreek quailcreek

Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:18:46 UTC Post #283870
I reinstalled windows recently, and now I'm having a problem with Hammer 3.4 I've never had before. When I save a map, it doesn't look like it's saving as an RMF. There's no file extension; it's just labelled as a "File". It opens and saves in Hammer just fine, but I can't compile it. Also, it's saving an extra "File" to the same directory with the same name except that the last letter is replaced with "x". I try adding .rmf to the filename and openning it, and Hammer gives me this error:

Oops! SerializeRMF() v2.2 tried to load a file v0.0. Aborting.


Edit: I've tried reinstalling hammer.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:27:10 UTC Post #283872
I don't know why hammer saves rmf's without extension, but .rmx'es are backups, so just leave them be.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:28:09 UTC Post #283873
Have you disabled Windows's idiotic hiding of filename extensions? If not, please do.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 01:50:08 UTC Post #283882
SpaG: I know what RMX's are. And the extra files I'm talking about are no doubt supposed to be the RMXs. But what I mean is that hammer litterally saves a file, without an extension, that has the name of my map except that the last letter is replaced with an "x". So if my map's name is mymap, hammer saves two files - mymap and mymax - both with no extension.

potatis_invalid: Yes, I have, and even if I hadn't, "RMF File" would appear in the file description. These files literally have no extension. When I try to compile one, I get a "file not found" error, obviously because the RMF file doesn't exist.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 02:08:14 UTC Post #283886
Maybe obvious, but File > Save As... > "Map.rmf"?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-04 02:21:11 UTC Post #283889
Obvious yes. But not obvious enough. Thank you, Penguinboy. For making me feel stupid.

Issue resolved.
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