Im making a mod Created 13 years ago2011-07-04 07:30:03 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Created 13 years ago2011-07-04 07:30:03 UTC by zeeba-G zeeba-G

Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 07:32:15 UTC Post #296219
Eat magic mushrooms and explore a hallucinated world. I've began this mod three times in the past but never finished it. I'm planning on doing one to completion and begining soon.

It is a lot like my dream competition entry where you revisit your house many times with the place altered and visit strange places. Its going to be a big project and take lots of time.

I'm not sure weather it will include any puzzles or not but it will mainly be focused on interesting places and architecture. I also like to focus on the music. Stay tooned folks.

Btw I have never done shrooms but always thought it was an interesting concept. Fortunately I value my brain cells.

Feel free to post any thing you might want to see in it or your ideas on the mod. I already have a lot in mind. I'm not sure where I will go with it being full of puzzles or not, weather it is random or has meaning, how long it will be etc. All I know is, it will blow you mind away!
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 15:01:30 UTC Post #296224
I recall mushrooms in a mod I played, can't remember the name though..

A psychadelic hallucination themed mod would be really cool! I only remember 2 or so mods involving fun hallucinations, like life's end and doomed life, but this premise is a really great way to express your creativity, I bet.

Lookin' forward to it!
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 19:42:23 UTC Post #296231
Magic mushrooms are featured extensively in Mario games.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 20:50:07 UTC Post #296232
Make it at some points when the drugs wear out, you fall unconcsious. Then, later, make it so you have a designated time to find more shrooms.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-06 17:31:00 UTC Post #296255
Yall are right about mario. My focus in this mod will be to take the player to unique places. I like that dimbark thats a great idea. I also was thinking that perhaps the player begins at home and there are many different shrooms you can find and trips to go on. Then one final shroom will have grown for the final trip.

This is just a random brainstorm, i'm open to ideas. I will somehow incorporate time.

I have a question. Does anyone know if you can have music during the intro of a halflife mod? Like in counterstrike condition zero. Any one? I've just finished the intro music.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-08 23:51:25 UTC Post #296393
Apparently (according to our own Soup Miner) shrooms simply make you paranoid. For the best results, I would work with a fictional drug. That way you are free and clear to throw in whatever the hell you like.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-09 00:08:10 UTC Post #296394
Apparently (according to our own Soup Miner) shrooms simply make you paranoid.
I thought that was marijauna?

How about Heroin? With a simple scientist retexturing -- "Don't worry, I am a doctor."

A boring hallway...
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-09 00:35:04 UTC Post #296395
Top one is more accurate at replicating a heroin trip. Rooms extending infinitely, stretching and suchlike.

The second screenie is more like shrooms, as they're hallucinogenic.

All drugs can make you paranoid if you have a bad trip, but in weed (marijuana) it's unlikely unless you're actually smoking skunk (weed laced with nasty chemicals) and if you're stupid enough to smoke that then you deserve the paranoia.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-20 19:40:26 UTC Post #296874
That looks awesome Dimbark.

Archie have you actually done these drugs? Not critisizing you but just curious. While I know shrooms are a hallucinogen i've never actually done them. I've read many shroom tales though and pretty much anything you can imagine falls under shrooms. People feeling like they are huge. Things changing colors. Trees waving at them. Something scary looking in the window at them etc. The list goes on forever.

Edit: sorry, realized this should have gone in maps and mod forum but oh well.

Heres a tiny sneak peek. Yes I like to start with a house so I can come back and mess it up.
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And I know the architecture is simple like in my dream mod. The point is to be able to relate to it and for it to seem realistic. This however is not my style of architecture, i'm really a modernist. I still have to finish the kitchen and eating area on this house. And than fill it with goodies and ambience.

There is some interesting reason to its design but only one major point that you will find when playing it. "The house resembles something that something will happen out of it" :tired:
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-20 19:41:19 UTC Post #296875
Have you put a tv? It would be funny if you could turn it on and hear something like the news, and then turn it on on drugs, making it something completely different. Like NYAN cat.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-20 20:35:04 UTC Post #296876
haha awesome. Yes there is a tv. I'll do something clever with it. I've done it once where mario was on the screen and than you go through the fireplace and enter a mario world.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-20 20:45:02 UTC Post #296878
I sees arched windows. But something looks out of proportion. Maybe it's the doors are too short, or the stairs too high, I don't know. But something looks odd.

@Dimbark: He did something like that in the dream mod.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-20 22:44:20 UTC Post #296879
Well I map with 14.35 units equaling a foot which is to porportion but sometimes looks small. So instead of having 8 foot tall ceilings I have them 11 foot tall making the doors appear shorter.

Here's something more my style. Its a beach house I just finished. Though its a little too orthogonal for my standard taste it is pretty modern and strange.
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I'd post better pics or even the map but I like to keep my architecture pretty secret. I love catwalks! I actually call this project beachtower because it is massive! 74 feet tall!
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Cmmon baby OPEN!

Track trains aren't working for this because if it were to close each garage panel has to rotate to go the other direction. Err!
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 00:23:04 UTC Post #296880
How about you can just activate it once and something breaks so you can't move it again?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 01:04:54 UTC Post #296881
~6 hours later and I got it done and smooth looking. Yea i'll just allow it to open only. I guess it was worth it lol. I'm pretty sure i've seen it done before where it could close too. I'll have to find it.

For some reason the track_trains wouldn't start in the correct direction so I had to make them move through some path_corners under the floor before they met their starting points.

I also used a wall toggle that starts there becuase with out it they look mis alligned.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 01:26:31 UTC Post #296882
Use a model.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 02:51:09 UTC Post #296887
Something like that is done in the Counter Strike training level, and it only moves once.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 06:07:30 UTC Post #296889
Rim you'r brilliant!

But I do already have it open once so its ok for now. I'll poke at milkshape.
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You know what, I may just do this in counterstrike condition zero to have rain and a func_vehicle. Eh? Oh, I forget it isn't working on my laptop...
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-21 06:13:23 UTC Post #296890
As the door model moves up and down, a func_door should do the same to simulate a sense of solid so NPCs don't shoot through it or whatever.

Glad I could help.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 06:45:05 UTC Post #296918
Most of house done.
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Of course i'd just post screen shots but I like surprises.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 08:13:37 UTC Post #296921
Jeez Zeeba, your hammer shots are always so pretty i want to frame them. =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 09:21:43 UTC Post #296922
Thanks pal! Stay tuned, this mod will have some very nice hammer screens. Got my nice house done with its cool dark green stucco. It will soon be my playground for this mod. Just have to make the surrounding level and fill the house with more stuff.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 19:40:30 UTC Post #296926
oh btw i agree with rim to use a model for the garage door, but i know how fun it is trying to get things like that to work in hammer. =)

If you make an example/problem map of it, i can play with and making it work in both directions if you like.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 20:09:04 UTC Post #296927
Most hallucinations that i've ehm... 'experienced'.. aren't more like huge things appearing from nowhere or things in places they shouldn't be, but just a total mindfuck with reality. Rooms that look infinitely tall , field of view being fucked around with , colours not seeming right , everything looking a bit like 3d in the cinema - everything flat but things "pop out" from one another , like layers - , just really fucking weird. It's not necessarily new things, just fucking around with what you already have.

oh and paranoia isn't good , let me tell you that.

whatever you do in the mod - DONT :
add rainbows. rainbows are stereotypes and they do not appear when you are hallucinating. Everything isn't flashing colours , either. ( unless you are on ecstasy)
stretch and skew and rotate the view ridiculously. In charlie & the chocolate factory , when willy fantasies about the chocolate , the view is warped like actual fuck , strecthed and skewed. I've experienced the warping and it is nowhere near as obvious. You know something is wrong, but it's not "OOOHHH SHIT MAN". Combine this with changing the FOV to something ridiculous and you have a good effect going on ( something like
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i should probably stop talking now
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 21:48:22 UTC Post #296928
Too bad this isn't source. There's an entity to call console commands. You could play with field of view and some other stuff.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 21:51:06 UTC Post #296929
Spirit can call console commands IIRC.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-22 23:02:51 UTC Post #296930
Yeah, it can. You can also change the HUD color via console command, and those two combined could be used interestingly. A different colour when the player is tripping out, perhaps?
There's also an entity that can dynamically change things such as NPCs. Change the model or submodel right in front of the player, perhaps?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 02:53:12 UTC Post #296931
Wow, maybe I will do it in spirit. And thanks instant for your advice. Now are you talking about shrooms? Anyways I have read some interesting stories or "trips" from them and definitely do plan on adding all kinds of stuff. I'm not actually trying to mimmic their effects but simply create a "hallucinated adventure" and shrooms are simply the interesting gateway to them. Maybe these can be "special" shrooms. Please do tell more though because this will help. I plan on making things "transform" quite a lot.

Also check out my dream mod and let me know what you think.

Captain, i'll post the garage when I get a chance but I don't think it can be done nicely. It took a butload of work just to get it to look wonderful going one direction but the problem is that track_train's have to rotate to go the other direction. Unless!, you are controlling it because you are than able to "reverse" it, so maybe there is a way...

I've finished the house which is the foundation to the mod but now have to decide what game it will be for "condition zero, halflife, or spirit. Is spirit easy to learn?

I don't like to show a lot of work before I post it but wtheck. Its just the house and you guys are being really supportive.
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Pretty simple.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 04:28:05 UTC Post #296932
Do you call that a greenhouse? rimshot
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 09:16:21 UTC Post #296933
snare snare, symbol. :biggrin:

Edit: Here captain. Garage Door Work your magic. Anyone feel free to see if you can get it to close cauff cauff impossible.

It was retextured to not include custom wad.

Edit: Spirit fgd doesn't have a func_vehicle??? Also, can I use multiple fgd's and just include them in a mod and would it work for others?
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-23 11:19:54 UTC Post #296942
Is spirit easy to learn?
Oh yeah. It's basically mapping for Half-life with new entities and options. Have an NPC? You can change their model, faction, and voice. Have a door with glass in it? You can now break it, because you can set a func_breakable to move with the func_door/door_rotating (or any solid entity to move with any other solid entity)

If you want, I could post my modified spirit FGD, which has fuller model support and item_sodacan included.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 07:38:54 UTC Post #296957
Well for this mod it would be nice to have the func_vehicle as well. And if I make a "mod" with spirit and someone downloads it that only has halflife, they'ed be able to play it?

By the way, check out the garage captain and I got working flawlessly. Or just wait to see it in the mod. ^_^
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 22:16:05 UTC Post #296975
Are you using my grass? I want my grass back.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-24 23:51:20 UTC Post #296976
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-25 00:02:55 UTC Post #296978
zeeba: As long as the mod includes the spirit DLLs (As you would with any mod with custom code) It will work.
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-27 21:18:19 UTC Post #296987
:glad: ok. Rim your grass is sexy. I hope you don't mind if I use it and I should always ask. You'll get mention in my credits. Really I have like 30 grass textures and this is the best looking one!

Check out my current playlist im listening to while mapping. My Playlist

Another seven hours in and finished "attics, posters, attic window, some music, bedroom props, new wall colors and more". Good stuff...

Edit: Yea gold source just isn't meant for big levels. I may have to re think my mod's layout and make it more linear. It will only be worth making into a full blown game if I make it interesting enough. Time to quit mapping and start only planning for a while.

Ok, not doing it in spirit. Now to decide, either condition zero or half life. Probably condition zero because I can have a vehicle and rain. And intro music. Who doesn't have condition zero?

Like 5th edit: Ok, counterstrike has rain. Didn't think it did. Welp, probably doing it in hl because of the single player aspect and feel. And you can run faster.
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