pushable trick/help Created 11 years ago2013-09-08 18:13:51 UTC by Malle Malle

Created 11 years ago2013-09-08 18:13:51 UTC by Malle Malle

Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 18:13:51 UTC Post #315551
Hey guys,

I'm wondering how to make a func_pushable go one way (left/right/forward/backward * only ) in a line.. i tried some things in hammer but it didnt move at all..

maybe some one knows a good solution on this :)

here example of what i want to do.
RMF file
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 18:17:01 UTC Post #315552
I don't think this can be done without custom code.

I'm guessing you'd need to code your own solution to this, allowing movement along just one pre-determined vector.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 18:32:17 UTC Post #315554
i made a pit of 16units and 256 width and my pushable cant go out of the pit only can go to the left, but its stuck some how..
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 22:43:28 UTC Post #315559
im tracked problem and solved stuck issue

its because
if you want to push a func_pushable you need a empty space atleast one player can fit inside, you cant walk in that tiny space so pushable brush cant move either..

I made a 36 units empty space (4 unit added to your empty space of walls) so pushable can be pushed


also you should know triggers can be triggered by pushables.
you can solve "one way movement" that way, just think about it..

for example make a func train behind the pushable brush,
(func train will be act as a "pushable brush holder" in this example)
when you move pushable brush, it will activate a trigger somewhere forward.
trigger will send message to func train and it will move a little.
maybe it will push forward the pushable brush too.
when func train will reach path_corner, it will stop and gonna wait for next trigger activation.
make another trigger and continue this chain reaction..

pushable brush cant go back because there is a barrier behind..

have a nice mapping
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 23:10:10 UTC Post #315560
for example make a func train behind the pushable brush,
(func train will be act as a "pushable brush holder" in this example)
when you move pushable brush, it will activate a trigger somewhere forward.
trigger will send message to func train and it will move a little.
maybe it will push forward the pushable brush too.
when func train will reach path_corner, it will stop and gonna wait for next trigger activation.
make another trigger and continue this chain reaction..

pushable brush cant go back because there is a barrier behind
That is a viable solution indeed. You can also use func_wall_toggle like checkpoints instead of a func_train.

However, there might be a another solution.

If I am remembering correctly, func_train already gets blocked by a func_pushable. If a func_train collides with an unbreakable func_pushable it should stop. Think of it like a spring, the player pushes the box in the corridor, two path_corners placed, one at the start of the corridor and one at the end. And a tiny invisible func_train is also set to move slowly towards the end of the corridor. It stops when the func_pushable is not moving and blocks the func_pushable from moving backwards.

However, I apologize as I'm not sure if that will work, I didn't touch goldsource for a few years and my memory is a bit hazy.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-08 23:51:08 UTC Post #315561
If I am remembering correctly, func_train already gets blocked by a func_pushable
I cant remember the result either,
but if it is true I guess you cant move the func_pushable while it is stuck with func_train

just not sure
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 07:04:21 UTC Post #315565
I forget these little engine tricks.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 07:54:26 UTC Post #315566
The resourcefulness of GoldSrc mappers never ceases to amaze me, cool shit! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 08:00:08 UTC Post #315567
well I'd make some 1 unit invisible path around the pushable so that it would go only 1 way
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 16:47:24 UTC Post #315587
This shit might help me out woohoo will try something man,

thanks a lot guys :]


I cant move anything in a pit.. strange thing
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 20:03:04 UTC Post #315594
Well, my thing is:

I got a huge computer infront of a hole, but i dont want the computer to be breakable it needs to be pushed to the left and the left only.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-09 20:50:52 UTC Post #315595
Why don't you ask Wolf 3D?
I'm sure he knows the answer to everything you need.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-10 13:27:50 UTC Post #315607
Sure, will report it when i talked with him!

wolf_3d is a person that is active on svencoop forums for people that don't know him. he is some how a walking library :P
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-10 13:59:37 UTC Post #315608
Wolf, from Chatbear, certainly does know a lot.

I am sure you will find that he has the best opinion, there for having no need to ask any other person, in existence, ever again about mapping.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-10 23:22:51 UTC Post #315613
Are Wolf strictly a GS mapper?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 06:01:05 UTC Post #315616
Last time i talked to him he wasn't very active. He helped me about some things a few years ago. Added him on skype since than, he isn't active at all.

He was the main guy for mapping on Chatbear. But he seemed very uninterested into it.

And i told that to Malle because he acts like a twat. He asked me to help him with his map, i even took time to make him an cliff in order to fix that mess he made. And even added him on private skype. Than latter he pretty much tells me to go fuck my self and that i don't know shit just because Wolf told him he should not use SKY and Bevel to optimize his terrain to reduce clip nodes. Even when i proved with clear proof that sky optimizes terrain by a huge percentage.

He needs to learn how to communicate with people.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:10:22 UTC Post #315623
There's a lot of pronouns in that rant :-P
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:17:04 UTC Post #315624
Will you believe me when i say i have no idea what a pronoun is :P
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:21:49 UTC Post #315625
he, she, it, they....

If i'm not mistaken, English isn't your first language so I'll let it slide ;)

Pretty much, if you keep saying "he" and you're talking about 2 or more people, it becomes difficult to understand who "he" is.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 11:39:09 UTC Post #315626
As somebody with English as a first language, I always struggled to remember those terms and without reading your post, I couldn't have told you what a pronoun is. I know adjective, noun, and verb...that's about it. And I consider my grammar to be quite good, too! But then again, you're not supposed to start sentences with .... whatever kind of word "and" and "but" are. And I just did that three times.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 12:04:02 UTC Post #315627
I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi :-P Idk why, but the definition of pronoun stuck in my head from my schooling.
It's just hard for me to understand when people use copious pronouns when referring to 2 or more people - It's strictly for readability.

I don't know if "he" is Malle or Wolf
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 12:14:22 UTC Post #315629
Hey Malle. :)

For your func_pushable: try to create a path made of 1x1 unit CLIP brushes on the floor with the same size of the entity, so it don't go out of those directions. I usually use 1 unit clip brushes when I don't want the player to push the entity in some specific zones of the map. Since 1 unit floor brushes can barely be noticed by the player I think it's a good alternative, and also the player is free to move his entity as much as he wants back and forth or left and right. :)
Oh and you'd better use "-cliptype precise" in the compiling options. ;)

I guess this is what "stop!" means (maybe?). :o
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 12:21:57 UTC Post #315631
Do you really need players to actually push the thing? You could just use a func_train or func_door to move your object and have a thin trigger_multiple in front of it, so it'll start moving as soon as you touch it.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 17:18:23 UTC Post #315634
stojke, nice offtopic talk man.. and yes the f word is for you, don't try to help because you first of all can't talk normal english and you say the opposite than wolf and my friend so why would i use that, my friend is professional leveldesigner :P

@Alberto309 Can you test it yourself my object is 72w 32long 96high :P

@themightAtom i could indeed just fix this with func_train that gets triggered when you touch a side(left or right) : p
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 18:28:19 UTC Post #315635
You're forgetting you're the one who asked for help in the first place.
You cant act like total shit and than pretend nothing happened.

You don't even test things your self as well. I told you countless times to run tests by your self.
You go ask other people for help and than tell them to go fuck them selfs. I don't want other to fall for your act.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 18:38:17 UTC Post #315637
Stojke! Stop helping people, you mean jerk!
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-11 18:47:31 UTC Post #315639
Malle, i second the clip brush thing. Just throw it on the floor 1x1.
There's no physics so you can't tip the object over that barrier.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-12 03:11:41 UTC Post #315648
Malle: I remember u being twatish to me when we first met, because I misunderstood your problem, so maybe tone down the dickishness a bit? :P

I feel like u and stojkens are very similar mappers, so I thought when I referred him to you for help, you'd become fast friends.. did you show him your awesome climbing map?

Advice is a tricky thing, and just because it's different from someone else(even from somebody you consider an expert), it still doesnt make it wrong ;)

The only way you can know if advice is good or not is to test it, and everyone has their own methods, so try to keep an open mind!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-12 10:33:40 UTC Post #315650
The only way you can know if advice is good or not is to test it
This is how I learned to hammer:
1) Test
2) Test some more
3) Get frustrated, ask for help
4) Ponder proposed solutions, say thanks
5) Test
6) Repeat steps 3-5 until complete

So don't give up, mate. There's ALWAYS a solution.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-12 16:49:54 UTC Post #315663
some how in the space i have my pushable doesn't even move with no brush next to it.. irritating entity
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-16 03:34:07 UTC Post #315726
Ok, Malle, I'll give you a taste of this later, providing you a fresh RMF. :3
Now I gotta go, cya later! :D
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-16 08:52:06 UTC Post #315727
I changed the func_pushable to a func_breakable with an 'Explode Magnitude'.
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-16 15:52:20 UTC Post #315732
Here's my fresh RMF with a pre-compiled BSP.


I suggest you to play the BSP first, for your liking. :3
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
Posted 11 years ago2013-09-16 16:37:26 UTC Post #315733
Here's my fresh RMF with a pre-compiled BSP.
haha cool idea,

well some how my pushable got stuck in a hull of an object. and pushables as wel 'will never' reset on round so its not a thing i will use in my level : )

case closed :P
Posted 10 years ago2013-09-22 02:54:09 UTC Post #315858
I don't know if using a trigger_once (or another entity/brush entity) you can recreate the func_pushable where it was and at the same time time kill the old one. But you should try for a last resource! :P Then give up if it's not possible. ;)
Alberto309 Alberto309weapon_spaghetti
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