Custom Textures Without Wad... Created 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:20:45 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Created 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:20:45 UTC by kamyon95 kamyon95

Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:20:45 UTC Post #329452
I downloaded some maps from somewhere. These maps have custom textures in gameplay but there is no wad file... How they doing that???
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:37:01 UTC Post #329453
There are programs that allow you to pack the textures into the .bsp file. It's been so long since I've done it, so you'll have to Google it...GCFScape or Pakrat might do it for Goldsrc?
Moaby MoabyMk. III
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:38:02 UTC Post #329455
The maps have the wad files internally included in them. First, you need the wad with the textures to be able to use them in Hammer. Then, you can either use the stock Half-Life compile tools with -nowadtextures (not recomended), or if you're using the ZHLT you can use -wadautoinclude wich only packs used wads. Other people then don't need to download the wad along with the map.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 15:38:56 UTC Post #329456
Oh thanks im trying now..
Posted 8 years ago2016-03-19 21:42:31 UTC Post #329467
Oh! That's an expert tutorial right??
Something about parameters... I think it's a part of coding... I searched internet for this and i found and i made it thanks Dr. Orange :)
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