How to change Half-Life hands? Created 8 years ago2016-04-16 22:59:00 UTC by Mmoonyy Mmoonyy

Created 8 years ago2016-04-16 22:59:00 UTC by Mmoonyy Mmoonyy

Posted 8 years ago2016-04-16 22:59:00 UTC Post #329914
Hello there, I wanted to know how you can change the arms or hands on the Half-Life weapon models, here's a pic for example I want to change the arms for like a jacket instead of the normal HEV suit but I can't seem to figure out how. So if you guys know how please say how. Thank you, if I'm not specific enough about this just message I'm not.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-16 23:26:19 UTC Post #329915
The hands are a part of the weapon viewmodel, so to change them you'd have to remodel and texture new hands for each individual weapon model. You can use MilkShape to decompile the models and recompile them after editing, but obviously you'd have to learn how to create models. Alternatively, if you want an easier solution, you can try replacing the Half-Life weapon viewmodels with the ones from Blue-Shift, and use Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer to replace the textures for Barney's sleeves to make them a different color.
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