goldsrc studiomdl qc file error Created 8 years ago2016-08-02 20:53:19 UTC by hfc hfc

Created 8 years ago2016-08-02 20:53:19 UTC by hfc hfc

Posted 8 years ago2016-08-02 20:53:44 UTC Post #331051
i cant compile the model, i have compiled so many times before but this time i cant compile maybe i forgot to do a setting. i neither cant compile with guistudiomdl it says

"[QC loaded O.K!]"

then i click the compile button an error windows says "sanity check failed reason :could not find the qc file". and says

"[Performing Sanity Check]
QC file loaded...PASS
Can read QC...FAIL!"

in the compiling output window.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-02 21:34:57 UTC Post #331054
Windows 10?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-02 21:50:26 UTC Post #331059
yes im using w10. what is this problem?
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 08:15:02 UTC Post #331065
Do you have the rights to edit anything in the folder where "studiomdl" is ? Same for the folder with the QC file.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 10:50:54 UTC Post #331066
moved my compiler and smds folder to desktop and i didnt get that error. but at the end of compiling output windows says ".\/ÈrªèBUHSX@SV0釠cY not found" lol :D and in second compiling attempt gives sanity check error window again. looks like moving the folders overcome sanity check error for once but still nothing happens. and i tried to change program compatibility modes and opened as administrator. and checked all rights from file properties. unchecked read only option nothing happens.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 12:17:12 UTC Post #331068
What does your QC file look like?
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 12:54:03 UTC Post #331069
here is my QC file it is just decompiled gsg9 model from cs. i just added one line "$origin 0.000000 0.000000 -36.000000". and in couple minutes ago i tried to compile in another pc(its OS is win7) it worked except 1 thing files that decompiled in win10 PC doesnt work. it is also gives an error looks like ".\/ÈrªèBUHSX@SV0é‡ cY not found" similar but not the same error. have to decompile model in win7 then modify QC file for my mod then i can compile the mdl. but i have to figure a way to decompile/compile in windows 10 becasue i cant always reach another pc.

QC script generated by Half-Life MDL Decompiler 1.2
2003, Kratisto. Based on code from Valve's HL SDK.


Original internal name:

$modelname "gsg9.mdl"
$cd ".\"
$cdtexture ".\"
$scale 1.0

$origin 0.000000 0.000000 -36.000000

$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

//reference mesh(es)
$body "studio" "GSG9"

$bodygroup "backpack"
studio "defuse"

// 2 attachment(s)
$attachment 0 "Bip01 R Hand" 10.855000 -0.416715 1.870680
$attachment 1 "Bip01 L Hand" 10.855000 -0.416715 1.870680

// 1 bone controller(s)
$controller 4 "Bone01" ZR 0.000000 30.000000

// 21 hit box(es)
$hbox 3 "Bip01 Pelvis" -4.690000 -4.440000 -6.750000 4.000000 5.560000 6.750000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Thigh" 2.660000 -3.690000 -3.090000 18.160000 4.880000 3.310000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Calf" 0.380000 -3.970000 -2.840000 17.600000 4.000000 2.940000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Foot" 0.850000 -3.240000 -2.640000 5.730000 8.530000 3.170000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Thigh" 2.470000 -3.690000 -3.160000 18.129999 4.880000 3.380000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Calf" 0.310000 -3.970000 -2.840000 17.600000 3.940000 2.970000
$hbox 7 "Bip01 R Foot" 0.850000 -3.240000 -2.640000 5.730000 8.530000 3.170000
$hbox 3 "Bip01 Spine1" -3.250000 -5.500000 -5.500000 4.830000 5.500000 5.500000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Spine2" -0.060000 -5.530000 -7.590000 8.000000 7.000000 7.590000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Spine3" -2.250000 -6.810000 -6.310000 6.500000 5.090000 6.310000
$hbox 2 "Bip01 Neck" -3.110000 -1.500000 -3.000000 2.050000 3.500000 3.000000
$hbox 1 "Bip01 Head" -0.330000 -4.500000 -2.500000 8.000000 4.500000 2.500000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Clavicle" 0.940000 -2.880000 -4.130000 5.440000 4.280000 3.500000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L UpperArm" -2.160000 -2.340000 -2.560000 11.560000 3.410000 2.380000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Forearm" 0.590000 -1.810000 -2.190000 10.750000 2.840000 2.410000
$hbox 4 "Bip01 L Hand" -0.132201 -1.903020 -2.238530 4.862900 2.078240 2.369790
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Clavicle" 1.380000 -2.840000 -3.560000 5.690000 4.310000 4.310000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R UpperArm" -1.880000 -2.470000 -2.160000 11.810000 3.280000 2.810000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Forearm" 0.440000 -1.970000 -2.340000 10.590000 2.720000 2.220000
$hbox 5 "Bip01 R Hand" -0.132201 -1.903020 -2.238530 4.862900 2.078240 2.369790
$hbox 8 "Bip01 L Hand" -16.100000 -6.500000 -19.000000 10.600000 1.500000 33.000000

// 111 animation sequence(s)
$sequence "dummy" "dummy" fps 24 loop
$sequence "idle1" "idle1" fps 15 loop ACT_IDLE 1
$sequence "crouch_idle" "crouch_idle" fps 10 loop ACT_CROUCHIDLE 1
$sequence "walk" "walk" LX fps 30 loop ACT_WALK 1
$sequence "run" "run" LX fps 60 loop ACT_RUN 1
$sequence "crouchrun" "crouchrun" LX fps 30 loop ACT_CROUCH 1
$sequence "jump" "jump" fps 30 ACT_HOP 1
$sequence "longjump" "longjump" fps 30 ACT_LEAP 1
$sequence "swim" "swim" fps 30 loop ACT_SWIM 1
$sequence "treadwater" "treadwater" fps 24 loop ACT_HOVER 1
$sequence "crouch_aim_carbine" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_carbine" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_carbine" "crouch_reload_carbine" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_carbine" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_carbine" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence "ref_reload_carbine" "ref_reload_carbine" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_onehanded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_onehanded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_onehanded" "crouch_reload_onehanded" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_onehanded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_onehanded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_reload_onehanded" "ref_reload_onehanded" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5011 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_shoot2_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_dualpistols_1" "crouch_reload_dualpistols_1" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5011 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_shoot2_dualpistols_1" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_reload_dualpistols_1" "ref_reload_dualpistols_1" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_rifle" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_rifle" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 { event 5001 0 "30" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_rifle" "crouch_reload_rifle" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_rifle" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_rifle" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 { event 5001 0 "30" }
$sequence "ref_reload_rifle" "ref_reload_rifle" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_mp5" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_mp5" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "30" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_mp5" "crouch_reload_mp5" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_mp5" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_mp5" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 15 { event 5001 0 "30" }
$sequence "ref_reload_mp5" "ref_reload_mp5" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_shotgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_shotgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "50" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_shotgun" "crouch_reload_shotgun" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_shotgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_shotgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "50" }
$sequence "ref_reload_shotgun" "ref_reload_shotgun" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_m249" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_m249" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop { event 5001 0 "50" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_m249" "crouch_reload_m249" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_m249" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_m249" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop { event 5001 0 "50" }
$sequence "ref_reload_m249" "ref_reload_m249" fps 30
$sequence "I_am_a_stupid_placeholder" "I_am_a_stupid_placeholder" fps 30 loop
$sequence "so_am_I" "so_am_I" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_grenade" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_grenade" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 45
$sequence "crouch_aim_grenade" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_grenade" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 45
$sequence "crouch_aim_c4" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_c4" "crouch_shoot_c4" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_c4" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_c4" "ref_shoot_c4" fps 30
$sequence "ref_reload_c4" "ref_reload_c4" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5011 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_shoot2_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_dualpistols_2" "crouch_reload_dualpistols_2" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 10 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5011 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_shoot2_dualpistols_2" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_reload_dualpistols_2" "ref_reload_dualpistols_2" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_knife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 12 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_knife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_knife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 12 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_knife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_aim_ak47" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_ak47" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_ak47" "crouch_reload_ak47" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_ak47" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_ak47" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence "ref_reload_ak47" "ref_reload_ak47" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_shieldgren" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_shieldgren" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 45
$sequence "ref_aim_shieldgren" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_shieldgren" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 45
$sequence "crouch_aim_shieldknife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 12 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_shieldknife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_shieldknife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 12 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_shieldknife" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_aim_shieldgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "crouch_shoot_shieldgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "crouch_reload_shieldgun" "crouch_reload_shieldgun" fps 30
$sequence "ref_aim_shieldgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
$sequence "ref_shoot_shieldgun" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 { event 5001 0 "10" }
$sequence "ref_reload_shieldgun" "ref_reload_shieldgun" fps 30
$sequence "crouch_aim_shielded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "ref_aim_shielded" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 20 loop
$sequence "gut_flinch" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30
$sequence "head_flinch" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30
$sequence "death1" "death1" fps 30 ACT_DIE_CHESTSHOT 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "death2" "death2" fps 30 ACT_DIESIMPLE 2 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "death3" "death3" fps 30 ACT_DIE_BACKSHOT 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "head" "head" fps 30 ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "gutshot" "gutshot" fps 30 ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "left" "left" fps 30 ACT_DIESIMPLE 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "back" "back" fps 30 ACT_DIEBACKWARD 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "right" "right" fps 30 ACT_DIESIMPLE 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "forward" "forward" fps 30 ACT_DIEFORWARD 1 { event 2001 1 }
$sequence "crouch_die" "crouch_die" fps 30 { event 2001 1 }

// End of QC script.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 22:06:11 UTC Post #331074
I had the same problem when I tried to compile a model the other week, I have W10 also. I didn't manage to get GUIStudioMDL working, but I found out that Jed's HLMV has the ability top compile models, and that worked for me. It might be worth giving that a shot.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-03 22:27:48 UTC Post #331075
I tried a lot of things but I could not get it to work in Windows 10 (after upgrade).

I think it is strictly incompatible with win10. Use direct method instead.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-04 01:47:36 UTC Post #331076
i cant compile with jeds hlmv and i cant compile with drag drop to studiomdl.exe :( probably this is about file/folder editing rights problem as asked by shephard. but if this is a compatibility problem we cant make hl models anymore. :(
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-04 08:52:54 UTC Post #331080
I have Win10 and I can compile/decompile models, both using "studiomdl.exe <QC>" and JHLMV.
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-04 12:09:16 UTC Post #331082
Milkshape3D de/recompiling works in win10 as well.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-04 20:01:06 UTC Post #331088
i did nothing but i can compile decompile now. what is changed and what is the solution i dont know but it is working now :D
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