Spotlight color, could it be changed? Created 7 years ago2017-04-09 15:55:55 UTC by abbadon abbadon

Created 7 years ago2017-04-09 15:55:55 UTC by abbadon abbadon

Posted 7 years ago2017-04-09 15:55:55 UTC Post #334293
Hi. I am using some spotlights to complete some flame effects, but Its colour is always white. Is there a way to change this.
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-09 18:23:19 UTC Post #334294
if goldsource, then it's the same as any regular point light.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-09 18:39:12 UTC Post #334295
I thought that first, but it looks that there must be another way... I select the color and it appears in properties of the entity, but once compiled the map the light projected over the brush is still white; it is not that it looks bad, but I wanted it to have the colour I defined. ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-09 20:52:37 UTC Post #334299
Doesn't seem to be working properly.... Then. Screenshots?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-10 07:58:27 UTC Post #334300
I expect either your FGD is broken, your mod is broken or you're not actually updating your BSP.

Colour is changed under the 'Brightness' keyvalue of all light entities.
User posted image
Correct FGD:
@PointClass iconsprite("sprites/lightbulb.spr") color(255 255 128) base(Target, Light, ZhltLights) = light_spot : "Spotlight"
	firetarget(string) : "Target to trigger"
	_cone(integer) : "Inner (bright) angle" : 30
	_cone2(integer) : "Outer (fading) angle" : 45
	pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : -90
//	_light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 128 200"
	_sky(choices) : "Is Sky" : 0 =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"
	spawnflags(Flags) =
		1 : "Initially dark" : 0
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-10 11:46:50 UTC Post #334301
I will check it as soon as the netbook on which I am now compiling the map will finish, you Know, two or more hours :crowbar: Btw: I am using VHLT and Quark to compile/make the map.

another thing I noticed is that the generic monster entity is always posed , when ingame, several units above the place I set on the map editor, it is a pain in the ass because I have had to re order those entities, overall because when the scripted sequences start, they suddenly "fall" some units below its actual location. it looks a bit weird but because those scripted sequences happen at the end of the round I hope they does not look excessively weird... any ideas of what is causing this? : :\

Oh, and the mod is running under Xash3D engine, I don't know if it will be the cause of this extrange behaviour...
Posted 7 years ago2017-04-10 14:03:23 UTC Post #334303
Well, I must wait until I can test the map on my true PC, this little pup cannot throw more than 3 fps!, it could take me ages to arrive to the moment when the effects happen. I will wait and then post a video next friday, sorry for the delay!!
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