Custom Map Texture & Sprite tut seri Created 7 years ago2017-06-11 05:40:00 UTC by The303 The303

Created 7 years ago2017-06-11 05:40:00 UTC by The303 The303

Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 05:40:00 UTC Post #335375

Id like to share two long GoldSrc custom map asset creation series I wrote a while back. Both include example RMF&BSP with sprite gallery and assets.
Map Texture Series:
Basic Texture creation, .WAD packing, and hammer config
Masked Transparent Textures
Additive Textures
Toggled Textures
Animated Textures
Water Textures
Scrolling Textures
2D SkyBoxes
Detail Overlay
Batch Conversion
Sprite Series:
Basic Sprites and Orientation Types
Additive Sprites
IndexAlpha Sprites
Masked Transparent Sprites
Animated Sprites
Beam Sprites

I am also in the process of working on modelling for goldsrc series.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 07:30:45 UTC Post #335376
That's great. :D
Now the noobs at TWHL won't need to make a new thread every time they try to make some sprites and/or textures.

And welcome to TWHL, by the way. :)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 10:57:58 UTC Post #335382
Hey :furious: some of us are still crying for help... :crowbar: :glad: ;)
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 11:44:06 UTC Post #335383
Says the man who doesn't use a grid and uses info_player_start as a measure, while using QuArK for the editor.
Not saying it's a bad thing, just... it's way different. xd (it's pretty cool, i.m.o.)
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 18:56:26 UTC Post #335392
I'm just weird... So weird... :crowbar:
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-11 19:31:58 UTC Post #335394
Oh, so I'm not the only one who uses player start as a measure?
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 09:23:30 UTC Post #335404
Windawz, abbadon uses it differently.

He doesn't use a grid (those grey lines in the 2D views) in QuArK, and probably doesn't even use the snap-to-grid function, to align things. He uses a ruler and the info_player_start to get the lengths/dimensions of what he's making.

I once used a pencil on the monitor once to actually pinpoint where those light rays end in de_kobbl (since the light source was a single point, not an environmental, uni-directional light). But that's different. xd

And info_player_start is just his measure for everything. I think that abbadon mentioned this somewhere, but I'm not sure in which thread. Either the WiP screenshots thread or Solokiller's PowerSource thread.

Going back on topic, The303's tutorials helped me make those graffiti sprites in de_kobbl. :D
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 09:43:38 UTC Post #335405
Oh... Ok.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 20:12:53 UTC Post #335428
Where can one download the two skyboxes presented in the first link on the last two images?
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 20:30:43 UTC Post #335430
The first one with the trees is included in the Example content download on the page. The second one the neon city I realized I did not include it. I got it here if you want:
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 21:39:42 UTC Post #335434
He doesn't use a grid (those grey lines in the 2D views) in QuArK, and probably doesn't even use the snap-to-grid function, to align things. He uses a ruler and the info_player_start to get the lengths/dimensions of what he's making.
Exactly!!, I use it as a 4 meter high, 2,5-3 meter wide character (the APU).

Using it as a start, I create several brusesh that measured x meters so if 5 APUS are 15 meters wide, then I make a very basic calculations to make "rulers" that go from 1 to 100 meters. The most used are the 5, 10 and 20 meter rulers. Then I did some other calculations for the dome which I don´t remember now, but those calcs have to do with archs, circumferences, radius and stuff like that. Then I calculate the height of the whole level using the bridges as a ruler once I adjusted their size to make them able to accomodate a row of 50 or 60 APUs more or less.

Basically what I did is use a homemade ruler based on the size of the APU, and from there I did build all the rest of models, props, etc.

Rustic, but it works fine for me. :) BTW, I discovered the snap-to-grid feature last year!! I di all grid adjustments zooming to the max the viewports and using then the mouse, quite noobish!!! XD
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 21:57:42 UTC Post #335436
So, all this time you just didn't know about grid at all? And why do you use Quark?
I wish I could be as weird as you.
It reminds me of how in Warcraft 3 me and my friend used to measure the distance you can cast spells from in footmen.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 23:37:28 UTC Post #335440
Wow, that's so cool. I might try disabling the grid someday, it might be an awesome challenge. :biggrin:
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-13 00:33:53 UTC Post #335441
Basically, by disabling Snap-to-Grid you get 1-unit sized grid instead. So it's still possible to make a nice map without snap-to-grid. What about info_player_start... Well, that's so weird I want to try it too.
As far as I know, in Source disabling snap-to-grid works as it should.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-13 05:16:43 UTC Post #335444
Great tutorials. I looked at all of them. The texture animation sequence when triggered was something I wanted to know how to do. I was not interested into models until I saw a complete flowchart and some examples, now I might get into the whole business with making props that way.

One offtopic question, do you maybe have an pine tree, or woods at night skybox that is really good? :)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-14 06:32:59 UTC Post #335465
I don't have any more that fit that description. I only made a handful of fully custom skyboxes and many were just half-baked test/concepts.
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