I used texlights within a map using the entity info_texlights. The map loads and runs perfectly on my own machine. When a friend tried to run the map in a server, it failed, and the server gave the following log:
/L 11/21/2018 - 04:57:18: [META] ERROR: Couldn't find game entity 'info_texlights' in game DLL 'cstrike': home/focus/serverfiles/cstrike/dlls/cs.so: undefined symbol: info_texlights
From a little online searching it seems that info_texlights should only be in the MAP file for ZHLT's compile, and we don't want this 'entity' hanging around afterwards in the BSP because it obviously crashes servers.
Is the only solution here to recompile the map using the 'other' texlight method (a text file outside of the MAP file during compile) so that there is no info_texlight entity in the BSP? Or is there some way I can get the original BSP to run on a server via a plugin or a different server setting? I'd rather not have to release a 'fixed' BSP and confuse everybody, if possible.