Just posting this as a curiosity that maybe someone has knowledge of. I'm making a map with a gun and I kept getting this strange bug that stopped me from controlling the guns "mouse look" to aim. I deleted a func_pushable that was clear across the room and eureka! It magically works. I'm fine with choosing the gun over the pushable so no biggie. Any ideas or theories as to what caused this?

Ha part 2: I was curious before posting this if it fixed my other bug that caused an ambient_generic to trigger when it only is supposed to work with a button. Lo and behold it did! So strange... Is this entity bugged or what? I didn't name it the same as any other entity and with the connections view activated I couldn't see an active connection to any other object/entity. If only I would've know this sooner it would've saved me some grief of trying to fix it on and off for the last 2 days.