water that goes up when its triggered by a func_rot_button Created 2 years ago2022-01-07 14:08:17 UTC by HelloGordon HelloGordon

Created 2 years ago2022-01-07 14:08:17 UTC by HelloGordon HelloGordon

Posted 2 years ago2022-01-07 14:08:17 UTC Post #346185
ok so i made a func_water right below the place thats supposed to fill up, i checked the 'stays open' flag, and its got its direction set as up. the func _rot_button has its targetted object set as the func_water thing, but whenever i play the map, the water is there even tough i havent used the func_rot_button yet. any help would be aprreciated
Posted 2 years ago2022-01-09 03:09:36 UTC Post #346189
You might want to double check those flags. The flag is "starts open" not "stays open." Uncheck it and set the "Delay before close" to -1
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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