Sometimes when the level change takes place you'll get lodged in a wall somewhere. If you noclip to get out, you'll find that the map your in isn't quite right. Let's say, for instance, that you have a hallway with the level change in the middle. This hallway is closed off with doors. First, prepare the two maps
without the hallway. Then start a new map. Create the complete hallway with the two doors at each end. Texture it, light it, etc. Put the trigger_changelevel in the middle and stretch it to fit the entire size of the hallway. Now
copy that hallway and paste it into both of the other maps. It is imperative that you
do no alter the hallway at all! Now add the info_landmarks. Look at the diagram:
Direction of movement >>>
____________________________________ FIRST MAP || SECOND MAP
* || *
_______ ||__________________
Move from left to right to follow this diagram (viewpoint is looking down on the hall)
Place the info_landmarks in the middle.
Now set up the options as shown in the
Changing Levels Tutorial as well as this
oneNow if alls good, compile and test it and the it should work perfectly.
Happy Mapping!