Houndeye Guarding Created 2 months ago2024-04-20 16:47:11 UTC by Names are for unlosers Names are for unlosers

Created 2 months ago2024-04-20 16:47:11 UTC by Names are for unlosers Names are for unlosers

Posted 2 months ago2024-04-20 16:47:11 UTC Post #348737
I have a houndeye squad leader that I want to alert the other squad members which are around the corner when it sees the player for an ambush. They have the same squad name but it seems like they wait until the squad leader does it's first attack. Is this actually possible or will I have to do some scripted sequence stuff?
Posted 2 months ago2024-04-20 19:42:51 UTC Post #348738
So the idea for the fight has completely changed so uhh guess I don't really need an answer anymore

would be cool to know though i guess
Posted 2 months ago2024-04-21 01:37:46 UTC Post #348740
So long as they are all in the same squad, the SquadLeader should cause them all to wake at the same time. I've just tested this and can confirm that all three houndeyes in my test map were immediately hostile, no waiting for the first attack:
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monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 2 months ago2024-04-21 06:41:40 UTC Post #348741
I was gonna say odd but then I remembered I didn't place info_nodes yet, that might have been it. Thanks!
Posted 2 months ago2024-04-21 17:20:34 UTC Post #348742
That will definitely be it. NPCs cannot navigate the map without nodes, so they may have been aware of the player but unable to reach them.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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