"model" "*35"
"origin" "-80 -48 -320"
"dmg" "0"
"_minlight#1" "0.1"
"message" "ambience/boomer.wav"
"speed" "30"
"rendercolor" "0 0 0"
"renderamt" "0"
"rendermode" "0"
"renderfx" "0"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"_minlight" "0"
"sounds" "0"
"fanfriction" "20"
"volume" "10"
"spawnflags" "1"
"classname" "func_rotating"
Hello guys this entity its from the map snark_pit. Because I want to fix and improve dthe HLDM maps entity level(because to not brake the comaptibility with the server), I found that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vAi1BzmYlb0&pp=ygURSGFsZi1saWZlIDEuMC4wLjA%3D in this video one sound it playing in the maps. After downloading this version of the game testing with Steam and coparing the map. Its same Btw... Found that the sound in ambince/boomber.wav its played if you start the map as its in sp. Well I want to change that. Obviesly Dario Casly wound make that to be played only in sp for deathmatch map.... And I want to fixed.
Also there are 2 entitys in this map with this sound. I hope you would know answer of this problem. Otherwise I will Force to Kill the sound of the entity and add new one with sound.