First attempt at a map/mod Created 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 12:41:37 UTC by DarkShift DarkShift

Created 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 12:41:37 UTC by DarkShift DarkShift

Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 12:41:37 UTC Post #349484
after years and years (since 1998, in fact) of playing HL and its mods, I'm trying to go one step further with making my own stuff.

However, I know there are guides and tutorials over the internet which I find quite interesting, but I didn't find the answer about a problem with NPCs being "dark", as seen on screenshots below,
besides this post, I tried the "render color" solution but it didn't work :
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 16:04:17 UTC Post #349488
User posted image
Nevermind, it works now... (but why?), I've decided to continue doing stuff, such as making a skybox and when I tested the map, now they were fully visible/lightened.
Posted 3 weeks ago2025-01-24 23:14:06 UTC Post #349490
Been a while since I've seen Hammer at this stage. Heh. I've not seen this particular bug either so my question would be, which compile tools are you using? If you're using the ones that came with Hammer then they, like Hammer, are considerably outdated at this point.

Look into getting a copy of JACKHammer and use the compile tools that come with that. It may solve your issue.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-25 02:48:04 UTC Post #349491
make sure you tie any rotated props like the sofa and trashcan to an entity, as they'll be cutting through the map world geometry and could cause glitches like this.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-28 21:00:11 UTC Post #349501
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-28 21:09:15 UTC Post #349502
Did you solve it? From the screenshot, your whole room is a button_target. That's bad.
Posted 2 weeks ago2025-01-30 14:45:41 UTC Post #349506
In your screenshot of the editor, the entire room is selected, and at the bottom of the editor it says "button_target". It means you accidentaly converted your room into an entity of type button_target. Character models and any kind of models get illuminated by the surface that is directly below them, but only if that surface is not an entity. You can convert the room back to non-entity geometry with the toWorld button.
Posted 1 week ago2025-02-01 15:11:29 UTC Post #349508
Oh wow, good catch Unq and Bruce. I didn't even notice that but yes, that would explain it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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