Sky changing (light and dark) Created 20 years ago2004-05-25 08:12:26 UTC by Luke Luke

Created 20 years ago2004-05-25 08:12:26 UTC by Luke Luke

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 08:12:26 UTC Post #28613
how do i make the map's light change depending on what type of day ur on? a Sven-Coop map for entmod called entmap_schouseshop does this and i think its kool! :nuts: i just want to know. it goes from xen (dark) to cliffs (light). Is it something to do with sentences? or something like that?

Help would be great! :)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 11:21:01 UTC Post #28627
this Is'nt as hard as it sounds all you do is open the skys tga files in wally, now click on the lighten/darken tool, and color the skies, to make new ones-but darker ones, now save these.

Now with the new skies created just make a loading point in your map to load another map, this time it will load the other map with the new sky
or if you'd like---The Same Sky, Only darker.

If you don't now how to use the newly created skys, just put them
in the "valve/gfx/env" file, or in "yourmods/gfx/env" file

If you put the skys in your mods folder:

You will create a map with Hammer but when compiled it will not go in, it will just crash.. But don't worry this is because the sky is not in the valves folder--just your mods.

Instead try compiling your map With the "Dont Run Map"Box Checked.

Now load up half-life with this at the end of the target field

" -game yourmodfolder +map yourmapname"

In my case it would be

"-game BJ +map map1"

Now your sky will load fine because It is looking in your mods directory
(-game yourmodfolder) and there you have it.
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