teleporting monsters Created 20 years ago2004-05-27 19:41:02 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Created 20 years ago2004-05-27 19:41:02 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 19:41:02 UTC Post #28986
How do you get monsters to teleport into maps? Im trying to make a sequence where you walk into an area and a few alien slaves teleport in. I don't really know how to do that but i thought you guys could help :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-27 21:43:49 UTC Post #28996
Monstermaker, or if you have svencoop the more advanced squadmaker.

MAke a trigger_once that cowers the path of players, put a monstermaker werever you want it, target the maker with the trigger.

Monstermakers has a large amount of variables you might want to look over most important are:

Monster type, what monster, like "monster_alien_slave"
Frequency, time between spawn.
Monster count, how many monsters all in all that will spawn. -1 for infinite.
Max Live children, how many monsters alive at one time max.

Now if you want the portal effect thingy there is a ent called env_xenmaker or something, it works as a monstermaker but does not have at all as many options, it does however have a "do no spawn" flag, meaning you will see the effects only. Give the xen a name and target it from "target on release" in the monstermaker. Now you get all them lightning and sound to.

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 00:51:12 UTC Post #28999
Or, you could just put some monsters in a box somewhere far away from the level, and have them teleport in using a trigger_sequence, with the option Move to Position set to 'Instantaneous'. In that way you can give your monsters names, set their more advanced options like what gun a grunt uses. In my opinion more handy for tweaking the specifics of a monster. In the fact of a massive alien onslaught, a monstermaker will do a better job... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 01:21:15 UTC Post #29000
All things the squadmaker does in svencoop. :) and more..

Not really sure on how to implement SC fgd and such to a SP HL map. But, if you want lots and lots of neat features for mission type maps then SC expand on the original HL tenfold. And you can play the map with one or more friends if you like.

Captain is right though, the monstermaker is better used to spawn hoards of monsters, or items. Mostly because you dont want a million monster entitites in the map from start, and you might have limited space to work on. If you want control in HL then the porting in from other place option is far better.


I see no reason making a singleplayer map when you can make it coop, but that is of course a matter of opinion. :)

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-28 01:32:24 UTC Post #29002
That's just the intention of the mapper. Whether to create a singleplayer map or a coop map. There can be found lots of reasons to create either a single- or coopmap. None is 'better', they're just different and can be made better or worse by the mapper.

SC fgd can be used for HL but since the game dlls don't recognize the new entities it won't work. Remember, it's all about the game dlls. Fgd is just a reference to that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 12:35:22 UTC Post #29149
Thanks, now i have one more question. later in my game the sci's find a way to deteleport the onslaught of monsters. I want to have it so the alien appereas starts walking and teleports away again, but i can't just use a trigger teleport because some of them have to get through. How am i supposed to do that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 12:45:39 UTC Post #29151
Scripted_sequence again. A monster with a name can be teleported at any time when a scripted_sequence that is triggered, only specify the name of that monster in the scripted_sequence and have it's movement set to 'Instantaneous'. Just experiment some with it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 18:06:09 UTC Post #29181
thanks again
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-29 18:11:22 UTC Post #29184
also u might want a flash or something to indicate the teleport rather than just having it appear and disappear. spirit has an entity that creates the lightning from teleporting when triggered, but for hl you will need a very complex setup of env_lasers.
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