Entities attributes problems Created 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:22:34 UTC by DragonsLover DragonsLover

Created 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:22:34 UTC by DragonsLover DragonsLover

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:22:34 UTC Post #31140
Hi! I'm new here! :P

I wanted to know what does these entities attributes below. I visited the entity guide of TWHL, but there was no descriptions available for these entities:
  • aiscripted_sequence -> AI Schedule when done -> Ambush
  • light, light_environment and light_spot -> ZHLT Fade
  • light, light_environment and light_spot -> ZHLT Falloff -> Default, Inverse Linear and Inverse Square
  • monster_apache -> Flag: NoWreckage
  • scripted_sentence -> Flag: Followers Only
  • scripted_sentence -> Flag: Interrupt Speech
  • scripted_sentence -> Flag: Concurrent
  • All the entities for blocks -> ZHLT Lightflags -> Default,Embedded Fix, Opaque (blocks light), Opaque + Embedded Fix and Opaque + Concave Fix
  • All the entities for blocks -> Light Origin Target
  • func_door, func_door_rotating, func_water and momentary_door -> Flag: Don't link
  • func_door, func_door_rotating, func_water and momentary_door -> Flag: Toggle
  • func_rotating -> X Y Z - Move here after lighting
  • func_tank, func_tanklaser, func_tankmortar and func_tankrocket -> Yaw tolerance
  • func_tank, funk_tanklaser, func_tankmortar and func_tankrocket -> Pitch tolerance
  • func_trackautochange and func_trackchange -> Flag: Relink track
  • func_train -> Contents
  • trigger_changelevel -> Change Target
  • trigger_changelevel -> Delay before change target
  • trigger_changelevel -> Flag: No Intermission
  • trigger_... -> Target Path
Can someone help me, please? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:27:07 UTC Post #31145
  • monster_apache -> Flag: NoWreckage :: No broken bits of apache when you shoot it down
  • func_door, func_door_rotating, func_water and momentary_door -> Flag: Toggle :: Means that if the door is triggered once, it opens and stays open until triggered again
You don't need to know and understand every property of every entity to map :) Nice to see you've bothered to read around though rather than spamming the forums with "omg how do i map omg omg".
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:46:09 UTC Post #31149
Thanks a lot 7th monkey! Anybody else for more?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 13:53:17 UTC Post #31150
Huh, in fact, about the flag NoWreckage for monster_apache, I tested it and there was still some broken bits when I checked the flag. No?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 14:02:00 UTC Post #31155
Figure that one out when you need an apache
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 14:14:35 UTC Post #31163

That covers some more flags and settings. Not that you need all settings at once, very often I use only few different entities. But it's good to experiment somewhat... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 14:49:45 UTC Post #31175
Well... because I can't open Javascript (and I don't know why!) I can't open the ZHLT link about ZHLT Lightflags and Light origin target. :x
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 16:03:09 UTC Post #31214
Use a different browser like Opera or Mozilla for the js problem.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-07 16:03:21 UTC Post #31215
Then take a look at the link I posted, the VERC is a very usefull resource for HL mappers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 15:30:22 UTC Post #32431
This is not enough to look at this website! It doesn't explain what does these entities! Luckely, I found some of them, but some are still missing:
  • ZHLT Lightflags -> Embedded Fix, Opaque + Embedded Fix and Opaque + Concave Fix
  • func_trackautochange and func_trackchange -> Flag: Relink track
  • func_train -> Contents
  • trigger_changelevel -> Flag: No intermission
  • Some triggers -> Target Path
Can you help me more please? :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-11 15:38:32 UTC Post #32439
Have you visited the VERC and looked at it's entity section yet?

Some options are also explained in the ZHLT documentation. Read those things as a lot of things you want to know are already documented somewhere.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-12 19:30:53 UTC Post #32834
The lightflag stuff is at the bottom
The Lightflags are explained in more detail over at the SnarkPit.
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