How did you find TWHL? Created 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:19:21 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Created 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:19:21 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:19:21 UTC Post #33131
Yeah, I know this should be in the site suggestions forum, but I never check tha one and enither does anyone else so please don't move it. I'm looking at you 7th Monkey!

How did you come across TWHL? What's your story everyone?

My story:
I had no idea how to put a sky in a map, I was forced to make maps that looked horrible, substituting skies for cheesy fences etc. I googled for Worldcraft sky, and a few websites later found TWHL, and then, HEY! You can submit maps here! I joined and planned to submit a few maps and leave, but I found it more "advantagible" to stay.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:21:18 UTC Post #33132
This forum is fine...
I was sent a link by mattyb,
the rest is history
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:52:36 UTC Post #33134
sits down and sets cane next to his rickety chair

Back in the day, I was............. LOL

Searched Google for "half-life tutorials" because there USED to be this one site 3 years ago, and I couldn;t find it. I figured "What the hell, see what THEY have" and OMG was I impressed!

Andy do you remember the entry I pt in for "trapped"? Does someone have the archive of entries for the compos?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:53:01 UTC Post #33135
I found it ages ago somehow can't remember and noticed it had a compo running so I took part and got 2nd place.........oh I also met the seventh monkey.............the name clash is a complete coincidence by the way :D. I've had my name for years lol I am not the type to copy :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 20:36:31 UTC Post #33142
I searched googlie for "Hammer tutorials" and found dis shabbie site ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 20:49:54 UTC Post #33147
I found TWHL when I was looking for HL contests and ran across the chopper challenge. Back then we all had wood-fire burning computers not these new-fangled electronic contraptions. And the internet was just tin cans hooked together with string! ;)
BTW, esmajor, all the old contest entries are still available for download on the competitions page.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 21:00:01 UTC Post #33148
I was looking for a tutorial on making movies when I came here 282 days ago...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 21:03:07 UTC Post #33152
Looks like I got the most embarrasing story here...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 22:01:10 UTC Post #33158
Google for me, I don't go to any other site other than the Collective.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 22:21:52 UTC Post #33163
Well, twas neigh high to a grashopper end ready to start me life. I twas livin' it gud, very gud. I remembred me friend, who was 3 years older then me, mind you, and I went over to hes house and sees mes future. I saw what I saw, and liked it. He was playen' a game on de internet, a new invention for my time. Ye'know, about twenty years ago the world was learni'n about de computer. future was great, and life was gud. He twas playen TFC, but of course I ain't knowed what that was. I said
"Whatcha doing their?"
he said
"Playen' T-F-C"
I said
"Whats that?"
he said
"a game your moron"
I said
"I'm no moron!"
he said
"Yes youz es!"
I said
"No way Jose"
although his name really wasn't Jose, but I noticed that rymed, but now I'm getin' away from meself. Well anyway, he turned me on to it, and I liked it. Twas fun shooting for me, instead of shooting chickedys of the butterchurnin' fence. I got de Half-Life game and was hooked.

I orchestrated my works under the name !@#SniperGod#@! in teh begining, but quickly became BrattyLord for a few reason, but now I'm getin' ahead of myself. I asked in the gud ol' chata box thingy, "how'd ya make maps?"
and someone said
I said
"What is that?"
he said
"a mapping tool you moron"
I said
"I'm no moron!"
he said
"Yes youz es!"
I said
"No way Jose"
Oww dang, I'm getin' away from meself.

Well, worst went to worse and I needed to know how to work this Wordcradt dohicky, so I typed up in de search.

"How'd da heck I work this dohicky?"
and I found TWHL.

to be continued
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 22:31:18 UTC Post #33164
LOL, that's pretty funny :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 15:08:49 UTC Post #33359
I just needed a place to put my tank boss and the Collective redirected me to this place. And the Collective... I guess we all came across it the same way. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 15:27:57 UTC Post #33363
well, i was googling for hammer tutorials after i got adsl and was sick of fideling around wiht the manual wich dindt explain to me how to make a sky. then i got here to never leave again(deja vu)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 15:34:06 UTC Post #33368
Bratty.... hat was a very..... ahem interesting story....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 15:35:31 UTC Post #33371
I was a quiet member of the collective, rarely posting but a member none the less. When I was browsing their forums, I noticed the map exchange, which had been there for quite a while but I rarely went in the forums so I never bothered with it. I went in hoping to post a beta of nuclear core. But there was a message saying to use the "map vault". I clicked the link, which brought me to TWHL, I joined. THE END!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 15:37:03 UTC Post #33373
as i said, to be continued
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:37:42 UTC Post #33463
i saw my brother plying a game he wasn't yet aloud to play...(Half-life)... i watched for pops cought was rated M... broke the burned CD in half...never could forget that game...two years later... i buy CD of the internet... cause i says 13+ on the rating... and i was two months from being 13... so the old man lets me buy it... we spend countless hours killing each other on the lan connection... those were the good old days... old man has nightmere about killing me... old man puts on content control... can not play mltiplayer... get new computer...instal half-life... NO CONTENT CONTROL!...through the months go to cyber cafes... play CS and HL... observe home-made levels... want to create home-made type in "create your own HL levels... fall upon hammer...can't figure out the danged thing...(no thanks to the "help" section of type valve hammer help... fourth one down...TWHL!... learned many a thing... through trial and error... but mostly through TWHL.
starts to weep, partly in joy, but mostly in thankfulness

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 01:44:51 UTC Post #33482
Just found it after searching on Google, and after hunting through hundreds of those crappy top 100 tables packed with 404s.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:22:27 UTC Post #33505
I have always been a regular visitor of the VERC and I'm also a regular visitor of their chatbox ever since DarkTruths was in development. At a certain day I typed /list in mIRC and discovered that it was not only #darktruths and #valveerc that had visitors but also a small room called #twhl. So I joined, visited the website and I liked what I saw. However since I got to know twhl by chat and not by the internet I'm still more active there than I am on the forums. So for all of you non-believers click here for all the other good in the world :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:27:41 UTC Post #33507
i was big on using the VERC but got sick of all the noobs, people here seem to be much more skilled and know what they are talking about... well most of the time anyway! ... :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:32:35 UTC Post #33511
First I've mapped on my own, no internet connection or whatsoever. After a while, I found the Valve ERC, wich is now the VERC Collective. I've been there for over 2 years now and it's still a great resource for me. But since I sought places to show off my maps, I found TWHL trough the VERC forums. I've found this site to be very attractive to beginning mappers and well, my change to help them the same way I've been helped at the VERC... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:40:59 UTC Post #33516
Hah, like me. I mapped the first 18 month all alone. Being an autodidact makes things a lot easier later.
Then I found the VERC and the german HL community TheWall.
These communities are too big for me though.
After the change to VERC collective they set up a link to TWHL and tadaa.
TWHL is much better the community is nice and small, there are a few pros giving tips and some permanent users who take part in most of the discussions.
But the best thing here is that we've got compos. No other big community has compos.
TWHL rocks!

btw: CP, I've seen your lighting rays tut and downloaded the map. Can't wait see it. Good work so far.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:44:06 UTC Post #33518
this seems to be a recuring theme, i think i was mapping for about 2 years without any help from the net before i started visiting the VERC, infact come to think of it i only really started using the VERC and such after i released my first SP episode.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 07:47:33 UTC Post #33522
SP episode!?!
Where can I get it. I downloaded tons of SP packs, it's hard find something new.
BTW: why do you look like me? your avatar could be me looking into a mirror.

whoops, slappingmyselfforpostingofftopic
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 10:27:59 UTC Post #33546
lol... well i dont know what you look like but did you also pay ?65 for a hair cut becouse that would be uncanny... lol...

ummmm, therse links to my SP episode on my web site. but theres a new version on its way soon. :)

my site >>>
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 10:30:58 UTC Post #33549
I'd have to say so far Caleb has the most interesting story.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 10:56:00 UTC Post #33560
Well I found it on the floor, so I picked it up and kept it for myself.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 13:00:51 UTC Post #33597
Caleb, if he burned it, then you have a copy?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 13:15:11 UTC Post #33601
well, how i found twhl. twas back nam, so twas (btw im not copyin brattylord i really do speak like this sometimes.). we was lyin in the mud, bullets flyin over our heads and grenades goin off al oer the place.

yeah, so what i really did was i completed half life, then i heard bout wc. i looked in my hl folder and found it and began maping. then a problem arose. its not working. i searched google and found the verc. it was pretty scary. verc is amazingly un-newb riendly. i left and searched around more. after finding sites full of hl cd key generators and hl hacked downloads i found twhl. i saw the tutorials and found out how i made wc tick. what really got me was that i thought the code of ettiquette was that only specially selected people could join. i got this idea from the onliners box having about 6 people in it. however after seeing the members page i saw twhl was not for the special, but for the dumb and twisted also. it was acxtually to my asking in the shoutbox hat got us custom avatars.

so to cut a long story short i married the princess, slayed the dragon and the kingdom was mine forever.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 14:31:28 UTC Post #33621
Worldcraft doesnt come with Half Life. How was it in your folder?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 16:35:32 UTC Post #33654
It comes on the CD.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 07:58:59 UTC Post #33806
Google, looking for a tut.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 08:06:52 UTC Post #33809
bryce_boi? Same one on the spirit forums? I'm Ant292 :P
Worldcraft came on my CD too. That's where I started (really crap stuff too).
As for finding TWHL, I searched for 'TWHL' on Google and 'lo and behold, found TWHL! Mystical stuff.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 08:12:03 UTC Post #33810

twas about 20 years ago, and the world was learn'en about the computer. I was in the treanches of the big war. Twas very dark en some. Twas foggey from all the wierd weather in whateva country i twas in. well, my friend jumped the trench, and ran to the other side! I couldn't beilieve them! I yelled
"What the Hay are yeah doin'?"
they answered
"Jumpin' the trench!"
I said
they said
"Cause thats how we wined the wars! don't youy kno...."
and he was shot.
Now I was pretty scared, all alone in da trech, with my coranda pot smellen' like a pulled over rosey.  I sat for a loooooong time, fiddlin' me thumbs to stop the swellen'.  Just then, I looked over and saw a beutiful woman, staring at me.  SHe inched closer, into my trench.  I baca kaway a little, as I was.  But then it hit me......   She wasn't a woman!  She was a russian!
I was shocked by this! I took my gun, but before you know it, a landmine blew up under tha tank truck, blowen' up tha house boby. Nooobody made it out alivveee! Not even BRATTY!

to be continued
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 08:42:44 UTC Post #33816
ummm...exactly what trench war were you in in 1984.....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 09:17:51 UTC Post #33825
That would give away the ending now wouldn't it?
to be continued
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 15:45:16 UTC Post #33897
Seems like most people found this place via Google.

Anthony, you typed in TWHL? And howda heck you did this, the keys are quite far from each other??!? Anyway, luck helps alot.

I've found just one usefull site with Google and it was a tutourial for making HL Movies (using cameras). And it was on the GameSpy network...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 15:54:59 UTC Post #33899
Googled for HL mapping sites...found this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 16:55:55 UTC Post #33919

ministeve, try this:
User posted image
There's a text saying 'Visit the Soviet Union, before it visits you!' wich is kinda dumd...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:08:37 UTC Post #33929
@bryce_boi: ?65? WTF? My haircut definitively uncanny, but the price is normal. btw, got 79% of malevolence and then I'm gonna have a closer look at it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:12:24 UTC Post #33931
I never paid for a hair cut. in my whole life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 17:19:34 UTC Post #33933
Hm, there are four possible reasons for this.
1. You look very odd, because you're cutting your hair yourself.
2. You look even more odd, because your hair is 4.31meters long.
3. Someone you know likes to cut others hair and does it for free.
4. You're only 2 months old.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 19:32:44 UTC Post #33955
I'll take door number 4 please.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 23:35:46 UTC Post #34036
It was a joke PTS...

And a bad one at that!

AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-16 23:45:09 UTC Post #34042
?65 is what it cost as russel eetan wich it nothing compaired to when i had a cut and style and hi-lights done at tony&guy last year, ?140

off topic... bad boy dirty boy, in your bed
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 01:15:01 UTC Post #35552
A link DocRock's site.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 15:45:50 UTC Post #61979
google it and discovered you cud map for hl so i was like happy
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 19:55:07 UTC Post #62036
link from verc
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 22:05:30 UTC Post #62057
don't thread revive habboi. I know you have something to add, but, thread reviving is annoying.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-25 22:31:45 UTC Post #62065
I just did a search for "Half-Life mapping tutorials", this was the first site it came up with, and I'm glad at that as well.
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