model questions Created 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:10:57 UTC by RacerX RacerX

Created 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:10:57 UTC by RacerX RacerX

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:10:57 UTC Post #33455
hi, got a couple model questions for tfc...

1. how do i pick which sequense will be displayed in the game. if i use a cycler, shooting the model changes the sequence, but how do i manually choose in hammer which action the model will display?

2. what do i need to do to put a model in my map that can be destroyed?

note: tfc doesn't have any monster_generic, monster_furniture, monstermaker, cycler_weapon, or cycler wreckage entitys. thanks
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:47:59 UTC Post #33469
make one then ad it to the pak file... go to monster_generic(if there is one, not used to tfc) and put your model in it :) i guess if thats what you meant :| tell me if it works :|

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-14 23:51:21 UTC Post #33471
huh? :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 00:16:02 UTC Post #33474
im not used to tfc and im pretty new w/ hammer in fact you might wanna ignore what i say if it confusses you (i confuse my self somtimes ) but this is my best advice

for #1 use the action animation part of the scripted_sequence entity to control what you want it to do

for #2. this is my best suggestion... make a model with milkshape... compile it into a .mdl put it in a .pak file and use a monster_generic to display it.

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 00:29:30 UTC Post #33475
1. along with the other entitys i listed, there is also no scripted_sequence entity in tfc. :

2. i dont want to make a model, just use an existing model that i can kill, or give the appearance of killing. ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 17:26:59 UTC Post #33667
theres no answer then? :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 17:33:24 UTC Post #33668
Models don't have to be in the pak file, Caleb. The models folder in the mod folder will suffice.

As for your problem, I once read a tutorial on how the chickens in CS were made. I don't remember the url, but it was setup with a cycler I believe, and a func_breakable that would killtarget the chicken and also activate a shooter, for the gibs.

As for the animation, I have no idea how to do that in TFC. I believe TFC never seriously aimed for prop models to get implemented in the game. Well, you might try some TFC-specific websites, or search for some tutorials.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-15 18:08:31 UTC Post #33672
thanks again :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 17:38:53 UTC Post #36685
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