fall, fade and load -help please- Created 20 years ago2004-07-04 14:00:42 UTC by musse musse

Created 20 years ago2004-07-04 14:00:42 UTC by musse musse

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 14:00:42 UTC Post #38749
um... there sure must be the simplest of solutions to this problem but i'll ask for help anyhow cause i'm spent:
i'm working on a short sp map with a small xen part to it. i'm having a problem with it though. when the players jumps or falls off the edge of the meteorite/space ground thingie to his death i haven't a clue how to make it the original hl way. i want the player to fall for some time, screen fading to black, and then automatically load from the last save.
i've managed to make the screen fade with a trigger and env_fade but the loading part is still a problem. i surely don't want the player to crash at the bottom of the sky box with a loud smack and splash(?)...

oh and hello everybody my first post here (good forum!) and sorry for typos and shaitty language.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 14:11:04 UTC Post #38752
I checked out the entitys from c4a1.bsp with ripent and seems like VALVe used player_loadsaved to load a saved game when falling.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 14:19:08 UTC Post #38756
i browsed through a gazillion tutorials and browsed through all the entities until my eyes started to bleed. thank you for solving my problem. now me feels quite stupid... :nuts:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 20:56:20 UTC Post #38807
You need to add just a few things to make this work. Add a trigger_autosave at the beginning of the level, it's a brush based entity; just place it so the player starts within the trigger_autosave. You'll also need a player_loadsaved, which is a point-based entity; just place it anywhere in the map and give it a name. You are already having the player fall through a trigger_once which targets the env_fade. But now you'll need to make the trigger_once target a multimanager instead. Have the multimanager target the env_fade and the player_loadsaved. That way when the player falls through the trigger, it will target the multimanager and the screen will fade and the player will respawn at the last save point.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 04:47:13 UTC Post #38841
yeah i already have an autosave at the start... no need for the multimanager either. the player_loadsaved has a built in fade mechanism to it... so all i need is the player_ls for the effect...
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