trigger_camera Created 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:32:05 UTC by VOX VOX

Created 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:32:05 UTC by VOX VOX

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:32:05 UTC Post #38994
This is for my compo map. I have a multimanager trigger a camera after a certain number of seconds, and when it get s to the camera, it only holds for, like, 3 seconds then goes back. The hold time is set to 500 and the target is an info_target. Any help on making it hold for the alotted time?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 15:47:28 UTC Post #39001
Hmm...are you sure you set everything up correctly? You don't have to turn off the camera. You can target it, and in it (the camera)'s properties, set it to hold for however long. Don't bother targetting it again with the multimanager. If you already have set this, I have no idea what is causing the problem. Just make sure you set it in the correct box. Also, I think seconds in HL are shorter than seconds in real life, but that still doesn't explain it since you set it to 500. But if you set it to say, 10 seconds, it would hold for 10 HL seconds, and then stop. If you are targetting it a second time with the multimanager, don't. I've never tried it before, so I have no proof that it works (Or, indeed, doesn't work), but I know it works if you set the hold time correctly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-05 21:11:03 UTC Post #39076
I'm not sure if Vassy said this above or not, but it sounds like you have something triggering the camera a 2nd time. Triggering the camera once turns it on, triggering it again turns it off. Did you have something else triggering the camera before you started targetting it with the multimanager? If so, it is causing the camera to shut off now.
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