Blacked-out scientists Created 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:03:46 UTC by Elemmire Elemmire

Created 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:03:46 UTC by Elemmire Elemmire

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:03:46 UTC Post #39130

I've been following the tutorial on Chairs, Scientists and Barneys at VERC - I wanted to get some monster_scientists sitting on couches and just looping on the 'coffee' animation.

All is going fine, scientists are perched on chairs with feet firmly on the ground except all my scientists are black from head-to-foot. T heir outline is still fine so that I can tell if it's einstein/glasses/slick etc but they have no images painted onto them.

Any suggestions about how to fix this would be gratefully recieved,
Thanks! :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:10:54 UTC Post #39132
Check your video settings and make sure there is ample lighting in your map.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:18:58 UTC Post #39133
Models in HL take their lighting information from the brush they're resting on. Make sure that clip brush is lit somehow?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 07:30:18 UTC Post #39148
I'm not sure it's a lighting issue. I've added normal 'monster_sitting_scientists' and they appear fine, as does a standing 'monster_scientist'.

I'm not actually using a clip brush at all - I was following the example that uses a 'monster_scientist' along with a 'scripted-sequence'. It's point number (3) on the following tutorial

Do I still need to use a clip brush as well? And if so when you (Seventh-Monkey) say check the clip brush is lit do you mean I need a light somewhere nearby??

Thanks a lot
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 08:37:12 UTC Post #39151
Models are lit based on the world brush below them.

I guess in this situation, it may be that the scientist starts in an unlit room and that his lighting isn't updated for some reason when he's transported to the scripted_sequence location. Just a though though...

Maybe you can post the map in the Problems Section?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 08:50:08 UTC Post #39153
Models are lit based on the world brush below them.
Isit possible to light up models on a func_wall etc. correctly?
Let's say you've got a catwalk, with masked textures. It has to an ent and thus the model will be black. Is there a way to create an invisible empty worldbrush that has a lightmap?
I often have to face this problem, because I use ents a lot to keep my r_speeds low.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 09:22:23 UTC Post #39163
Isit possible to light up models on a func_wall etc. correctly?
As I said, entities don't count. So you'll have to have a world brush below it wich is lit like you want your model to be lit. And invisible world brushes (null-texture) don't have a lightmap so they don't work (model becomes dark-lit)...

Yeah, it's limited, I know... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 13:13:41 UTC Post #39226

I've uploaded my map in the problem section under the name 'Conference Room' - the map is actually for a mod I'm building so I hope this doesn't cause problems for anyone trying to view it.

Thanks for all the help :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 13:36:39 UTC Post #39232
Problem solved - thanks so much for all the advice, really appreciate it!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 14:23:19 UTC Post #39245
Great stuff.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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