Water! Ocean! Only Water! Created 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:22:22 UTC by Crusader_bin Crusader_bin

Created 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:22:22 UTC by Crusader_bin Crusader_bin

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:22:22 UTC Post #46593
I want to make/fake ocean! I want to make a cs map, 2 ships 1 for ct ant 1 for T. And the rest, i want to be water. Do i need a custom sky?(i think so) will it be realistic? And where to get that sky?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:54:21 UTC Post #46607
Oilrig's sky features a pretty large amount of water... :)

As for the water, I would strongly disadvise using a func_water and a ! texture, as they give a lot of extra faces while, in my opinion, not looking really good. Maybe you could find out how I made my water in 'The Playtest'... looks quite decent while it has very few faces...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 06:08:00 UTC Post #46614
Oooh, maybe i'll try only Oilrig sky, place a boats and maybe it'll look like something :| I'll try. If you have better ideas, tell me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 06:30:57 UTC Post #46617
If you want tow poly animated water, you could try using a model for it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:30:21 UTC Post #46656
I just want simple water, that will not make my map slower. It can be non-animated, i just want those 2 ships to be on water, not in air or stuck in ground. I thought that sky with ocean could do the work. I'm going to test that when i'm done with ships(btw, now i hate m.verticles even more :x ) But if you have a better idea, or aleady knows if it's going to work or not, tell me
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:05:57 UTC Post #46668
okay, make a large area of water, but not too large, under the boats. Make invisible walls so that the player can't go too far out and see that you have a sky instead of more water. Use a custom sky texture and place it around your map.

make the water reeealy deep, but put another invisable wall so that they can't get down there, but make it possable to swim under the ships.

go to the bottom of the water, and so you don't have any leaks, make a brush closing off the bottom of your map with the black texture. this way when They go into the water, they can see it is dark down there, as it is in real life.

make sure your sky's extend down to reach the black brush, so that there is no way you could have a leak.

P.S. Do not use a skybox whatsoever.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 14:27:37 UTC Post #46777
i wanted to make it impossible to go into water (trigger_hurt ;) ) but your idea is better! THX alot i'll try that. Still, i need water to look like sky (same colour). I also wanted to have 2 ships, linked by some kind of pass (don't know english word, ugh), and that would mean that to get from 1 ship to another swimming would require all thing to be water, and sky texture only to represent that there is only water. And ships are pretty big, (every ship have 3 levels). But using tons of water would have more sense, if i want defusing map (more than 1 way to get into enemy ship). Anyway i'll try ;) It's going to take much more time i thought :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 15:58:34 UTC Post #46818
'My' way of doing water: two func_conveyors that overlap each other, and move with a speed of 12/15. Both different speeds to make the water look random. Create a nice scroll texture, and scale it up 4 times (at least that's what I did in 'The Playtest'). Nice looking, low-poly water... ;)

As for the map, you might add floating garbage to allow players to get cover while swimming to the other boat. You may make one of the ships sinking therefore...
Might be an interesting scenario for CT's hunting T's that try to get off the sinking ship and onto the good one...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 19:09:48 UTC Post #46886
or you could make the tops look like two pirate ships, were ropes and such are connecting them, and bunkers on the top of each ship provide cover for defenders. Making it really confusing is a great way to provide a great action scene every time the map is played. The big masts could provide sniper posts, and ways for some to jump across, crawling across the ropes. I'm sure you get the picture now. also, an underwater passage is a good way to make people fight in the water.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 03:45:34 UTC Post #46985
I wanted to do that, but wanted T to start on old wooden pirate ship and CT to start on modern steel ship, with some bunkers on it. I wanted add cannons on pirate ship, and mounted guns on CTs, but i think it's not good idea. Masts. That would be problem. With textures.
i can't get skull texture also, have any? best would be 1 wad, but if you have skull or good wooden textures in any wads that i can use for flag and masts can you e-mail them to me? or tell where to get good textures?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 04:07:06 UTC Post #46992
this is a bad idea.
such a large body of water is only going to cause a problem.
perhaps the floating rubbish could be big enough to create a "path" from one ship to the other, use an animated water texture but keep it opaque (or pretty much un-see-through-able =P). this way the water doesn't have to be deep.
the "rubbish" could in fact be blocks of ice, and then you place a trigger_hurt just above the 'water' so ppl don't wanna go in there (instant death plz)
large areas of water will be laggy and well, not good

to make it blend to the sky, simply use strips of the water texture but make them more illusionary as they get further out, eventually they will blend into the sky.

but let's be honest, you're not going to finish this map, and if you do it's gonna be crap?

prove me wrong please ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 11:27:59 UTC Post #47094
well, I've started on a map already, with two wooden pirate ships, and an island in the middle. The only water there is is so that the ships can be in it. They have ancors, and from the top of their mast, can see each other, so that would make for some good sniping. I'll post a screenshot as soon as I finish the first boat.

As for your ships, have them right next to each other, and the same height, so that people can charge across planks that are drawn across, and jump from mast to mast/slide down ropes that are conecting the ships. That would be a load of fun, but you know some moron is going to get scared and hide in the water so that no one could find him. Haveing the water kill you would be a good idea, since if you fall overboard on a real pirate ship, you die. There really are pirates now, but they don't wear eye patches, use swords, and say "Arrr!!". They are villians with sub machine guns, like your average CT Terrorists.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 12:49:02 UTC Post #47111
so i'm going to trigger-hurt that water. Still can you tell me a website with many wads, or e-mail me one with skull for flag? For the rest i'll use old wads. Thx
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 13:12:10 UTC Post #47119
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 11:24:20 UTC Post #47571
You know that there already is a map thats exactly that right? It was made by Nipper, I have it but I forget name.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 11:25:56 UTC Post #47572
Also, you should get a teal color and use that as the water texture, it looks real nice, like your in the carribeans.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 11:38:25 UTC Post #47574
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 11:42:14 UTC Post #47576
cp ways is the same as in battlefield 1942
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 15:37:18 UTC Post #47608
It's probably used in more games, CnC:Generals water looks similar, although probably a bit enhanced.

After all, several layerd with different speeds can create some really nice random effects. I use a similar trick for fire in my maps too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 16:33:28 UTC Post #47610
farcry water si the only one whom looks realistic
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 10:04:52 UTC Post #47703
Pericloso made a copy of it using animated models, and I've never seen anything like it in any of the maps made with normal brush based water.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 14:44:09 UTC Post #47732
De_plaka featured layers of scroll textures, and also a model-based patch of water (in the small well). Although this model could've been done a bit better (the movement was a bit too repetetive IMO), it still gave a very nice effect.

Yes, models could be used to much greater height in maps. It's an often forgotten source of possibilities...
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