game_team_master for CS Created 21 years ago2003-09-18 20:46:15 UTC by KrillinKC KrillinKC

Created 21 years ago2003-09-18 20:46:15 UTC by KrillinKC KrillinKC

Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 20:46:15 UTC Post #1376
I'm trying to make it so a trigger_hurt only works for CTs. I created a game_team_master, named it "cts", and set its teamindex to 1 (I assumed that's CT). I left everything else default. Then i made the trigger_hurt's master "cts".

Problem is, it heals both teams, no matter what number i put for the teamindex (0, 1, or 2). Does anyone know how to fix this?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-18 21:29:52 UTC Post #1379
game_team_master acts as a trigger relay: for more information check out :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 03:15:20 UTC Post #1397
How would i set up a game_team_master as a relay when i'm using a trigger_hurt already? Anyway, i've tried using it as a relay and it hasn't worked either.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 08:36:16 UTC Post #1401
No idea, just thought I was being helpful pointing you towards actual entity information.. :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-19 16:38:14 UTC Post #1429
thanks for the thought, but i'd been looking at the entity information for that entity a lot and i couldn't figure it out :( .
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-08 10:10:05 UTC Post #126723
game_team_master is told to work in both ways: as a team-related master and as a trigger relay.

To my experience, game_team_master does not work as a master at all, meaning that it allows its slaves to change their state regardles of what keys and values you put to game_team_master. I would really appreciate if somebody undeceives me in that conclusion.

Also, to my experience, game_team_master works as a trigger relay, but does not really distinguish teams. Again, I would be really pleased like to see a map that proves I'm wrong.

As a conclusion, I could not make this entity work as it is supposed to.

Will anybody bother to upload a .RMF where it works?
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