Trigger/strip/give set up Created 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:29:17 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Created 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:29:17 UTC by Peace and LOve Peace and LOve

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:29:17 UTC Post #54645
ok, so this is a shot in the dark, but maybe someone can answer some of my questions if not all, which may well be enough.

1. how many trigger_once entities can you have in a close proximity, 16 units either side too close?

2. triggering two or more sets of identical entities, but with different values/names/keys/etc (ie: trigger_once > player_weaponstrip | trigger_once > game_playerequip | teleport) thatis the combination in order, with one person it works a treat, but with any more than 1 set of these entities being activated causes an error (no description, just an error)

the names are all numerical, and range from 1 - 16, could the problem be having a '1' and also having a '13' (the 1 being the problem); although i doubt this is the cause, for several reasons.

could the teleport be the cause, somehow, with two people at the same time. i think it is around the strip to give stages that the error is occuring.

any thoughts?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-28 04:53:28 UTC Post #54724
first of all. i have put 20 trigger_once entities together no spaces, and it didnt cause a problem. it just made it a little slower.

second i would use a multi_manager to split up the task of entities you wish to accomplish at once.

and third. the teleport isnt got anything to do with it. the problem lies in yours multiple entities triggered at one use multi_managers. i have made a map that i had 13 guys teleport at one time with no loss in r_speeds or errors.

hope that was worth it. have a nice day! please come again!

Daniel.... :cool:
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