Texture Alignment - Hmmm... Created 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:46:56 UTC by abs0lute11 abs0lute11

Created 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:46:56 UTC by abs0lute11 abs0lute11

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:46:56 UTC Post #60158
I think my question is rather noobish but if you answered any of my other posts, ya know im still learning. :)

Texture Alignment, I cant seem to get it right. I read something about align to face or align to world? I dont know. My vent system textures are out of wack and I think the solution is very simple. Just cant figure it out without you guys! LOL. Help me out? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:51:24 UTC Post #60159
texture application tool. click the button at the side with a box with diff textures on each side as the icon.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:55:34 UTC Post #60162
Well, I tried clicking that button that says texture alignment (second to last on the right, red and green) but it doesnt seem to do anything, I have the entire portion of the vent highlighted. Still Lost... :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 13:59:46 UTC Post #60163
Oh, I forgot to mention that when I move the actual vent, the texture doesnt move. I can align it by moving the vent but that kinda doesnt help because thats not where I want it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:06:31 UTC Post #60166
Open the Texture Application (Shift+A), select a face, or just a texture from the list, fill in the properties that you want to change and right-click on the face you want to apply this texture and these properties to.

Leave properties blank when you don't want to change these. For example, a surface has texture 'BABTECH_DR1E'. You left-click on it and it's properties will then be displayed in the Texture Apllication. You can then change properties: scale, alignment, rotation and texture. Then you right-click on this surface to apply them. When you right-click on another surface, you apply this texture and these properties to that surface as well.
In case you've scaled several surfaces textures up, and want to apply another texture to them but not change their scales, you would leave the scales propertie empty.

Aligning textures to world means it's getting aligned to the grid. Aligning them to face will, well, align them to that face. This means it wont get stretched when the surface is steep, while this would happen when it's aligned to the world.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:07:57 UTC Post #60168
Oh, and you can prevent textures from becoming misaligned when moving the object by setting Texture Lock. It's a small button in your topside toolbar.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:10:59 UTC Post #60170
In the upper toolbar a button labeled 'tl' can switch on texture lock. The hotkey shift+l should also do the trick.
Usually clicking that button should bring a small window with some more buttons, checkboxes and coordinates. There also is a hotkey combination, shift+a.
For those basic control issues, you should consider the help file that comes with VHE, it's easy to understand and contains all you need to know to handle the VHE.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:17:53 UTC Post #60177
Thanks for the quick responses guys, and super big thanks Captain P. That answer was extreamly detailed, did you design Hammer or what? LOL! Seems all I needed to do was Shift+A and Center the textures that were off.

Captain, I would really like to see a map or two that you made. I'm sure there awsome since ya seem to know everything about the damn program. :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:22:17 UTC Post #60180
Well actually Cp don't know anything, it's his brainslug feeding him information, in reallife with out his brainslug feeding him, he would be just an ordinary vagrant. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:30:58 UTC Post #60185
LMFAO!!! I knew there was something fishy about Cp. I see you on alot too G_KID. Msg me if ya have MSN, mkepusinc@hotmail.com
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 14:41:09 UTC Post #60187
There's a map or two of mine on my portfolio:
Captain P - a level designer's Portfolio

Brainslug... haha! Matrix-styled, yeah...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 15:13:36 UTC Post #60197
Very Nice CP.
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