a most be-baffling problem Created 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:02:19 UTC by silikon90 silikon90

Created 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:02:19 UTC by silikon90 silikon90

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:02:19 UTC Post #61285
this is really weird

i can compile my map fine with CSG & BSP, with CSG & BSP & VIS, with CSG & BSP & RAD, but not with CSG & BSP & VIS & RAD all together. there's no apparent errors--no warnings or errors in the .log file, nothing in Hammer's problem checking button, nothing when i run the console....im so confused!

what happens when I use all csg and bsp and vis and rad: it compiles all the way through, then when counterstrike starts up, it immediately just returns to hammer, without any warning or popup or anything. that's only when using ALL the compile tools, otherwise it's fine, so i don't think its a problem with WADS (which i only have about 4 or 5 of), or directories.

does ANYone know what's going on?? :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:03:21 UTC Post #61286
by the way, i AM using zoners
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 18:47:46 UTC Post #61293
Things that can cause HL to crash without any error message, besides 'Fatal error':
  • Two path_corners, that are directly connected to each other, lie at the same point.
  • (steam only) Detail textures that are bigger than 512?.
  • Having insufficient info_landmarks. There must be one info_landmark for each trigger_changelevel.
I'm afraid none of those will help here.
The best thing you could do is uploading the map to the problems vault and let people try themselves.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:01:52 UTC Post #61295
Perhaps your mpas light...map - or whatever you call it - is too large. Without VIS, RAD compiles less lighting.

If your map isn't large or doesn't have lots of lights and lighting, then you don't have this problem

It could also be an AAAtrigger texture not tied to an entity, that tends to screw up lighting.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:17:52 UTC Post #61297
Usually memory limit exceedings produce compile errors.
But you could still compile again and add the -chart parameter to HLRAD.
It shows memory limits for everything and how close you are to them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:58:51 UTC Post #61300
man i finally got it to work

i think it was a memory problem after all, i changed my sky box to fit the map and not surround it, cutting the visibility matrix by a fourth, and all went well. thanks for the help guys
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 00:25:01 UTC Post #61326
Well no wonder it was screwed. Never use skyboxes, they be bad.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 06:46:34 UTC Post #61348
There's a lesson to be learned here.. not sure what it is though :lol:
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